Net Script D-STAR

Are you net control for the D-STAR net tonight? Here is a suggested script to help make your evening successful.

(At 21:00 on the D-Star "C" 2 meter module)


CQ CQ CQ Welcome to the Nebraska D-STAR 2 meter net held on Reflector 002C linking D-STAR systems in Columbus, Grand Island, Kearney, Lincoln and Omaha.

If at any time during this Net, priority or emergency traffic should arise, we ask that the repeater become available for that traffic. The pro-sign "emergency" or "priority" should immediately be recognized by all. Before we get started, does anybody have emergency or priority traffic? <pause>

Net Control this evening is <your call sign> <your call sign PHONETICALLY>

My name is <name> and I live in <town> and I am calling the net on my <radio type>.

This net is held the 1st and 3rd Wednesday nights of the month at 9:00 pm Nebraska local time. We welcome any licensed amateur anywhere to check in.

Are there any short time stations that need to check in early? Please check in with your call sign only. <pause>

(Take the stations down and repeat their call signs back and then call on them one at at time for comment)

Do we have any regular stations to check into the Nebraska D-STAR Net? Please check in with your call sign only. <pause>

(Take the stations down and repeat their call signs back then recognize them one at a time for comment. Ask another time for stations additional stations wanting to check-in)

Additional items to include in the Net before closing can include:

Next scheduled net - date, time and location

If not already identified, call for a Net Control volunteer for next time's Net


This concludes the Nebraska D-STAR 2 meter net held held on Reflector 002C linking D-STAR systems across the state. We thank everyone for checking in and participating. Please plan on joining us again next time at 9:00pm. This is <your call sign> returning the D-STAR repeaters to normal operation.

Pawnee Amateur Radio Club

Columbus, Nebraska 68601