2015-06 Minutes

Pawnee Amateur Radio Club


June 09, 2015

The Pawnee Amateur Radio Club met June 9th, 2015 at the Emergency Operations Center under the courthouse in Columbus Nebraska.  Club president, Dave AC0TF, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.  Dave read the minutes of the May meeting.   Club Treasurer, Ted K7CLP, gave a treasury report as of 6/12/2015 with no outstanding bills for the month. 

Members attending:  AC0TF, AC0DN, KA0TWD, WA0QCI, W0ZAG, KE0AUP,  K7CLP, KD0OBA, WD0AAH, N0RHM, N0RHK, K7CLP, WD0AAH, Adam Jensen, Guests: N5SEZ, KB0LF


Old Business

Ted K7CLP brought forward that he has been asked by a recent silent key's widow to help resell his HAM equipment.  Club agreed to help. Ted will stay in touch and will help coordinate with the family.

Loop d Loup – 6/20/2015 - Meet at 7:30 am, ride will start at 8:00am at Izaak Walton.  There will be a 14, 32, and 64 mile route.  Bikers will start by heading west towards Duncan.  Dave AC0TF passed a sign-up sheet for workers (will need volunteers for 4 SAG stops plus Net control).  Will start on 146.640 repeater and can switch to 146.775 if needed for the remote legs of the ride.  Dave will attend the organization's planning meeting this week to collect final route and SAG locations.

Special event station – Event name: Andrew Jackson Higgins Memorial at Columbus Days

Aug 15, 1700Z-2100Z, WA0COL, Columbus, NE. Pawnee Amateur Radio Club. 14.270 7.250. Certificate. Pawnee Amateur Radio Club, c/o Chris Augustime, 1421 14th St, Columbus, NE 68601. To commemorate the life of Andrew Jackson Higgins (inventor of the LCVP or Higgins Boat the WWII landing craft used successfully at the invasion at Normandy).

-        Club call sign WA0COL will be used

-        We need to come up with some card ideas

-        Frequencies – 14.270 and 7.250

-        Club should check out the park location to plan layout 

-    The Club will set up the Log Book of the World software

DStar 880H – Tim N0RHM has this radio that can be loaned out to those interested in trying out DStar.  Gene KD0OBA can help with programming it.


New Business


Field Day invitation to WD0AAH's place.  Includes free flea market.  Includes a Fox Hunt.

With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by LaRonda KE0AUP and seconded by, Gene W0ZAG.  Motion carried. 


Guests: N5SEZ, KB0LF gave a report on the Nebraska QSO party (20 hr event).  They were very happy with the participation this year.  The winner Dan - WB0YYE logged 1,281 QSO contacts, averaging 60 QSOs per hour.  Activated about 32 counties across the state.

Guests: N5SEZ, KB0LF announced another special event will be in October (most likely 1st - a rare county activation event.  Anyone interested in being mobile and traveling to rare counties is welcome to sign up and help out.  Search QRZ website under NE0QP for details. Visit the W6RK.com website helps display the active counties.

Gene KD0OBA displayed the dual band J-Pole antenna that he built from plans off the Internet.

Club Web site – Minutes posted here:  https://sites.google.com/site/pawneearc/ 



Pawnee Amateur Radio Club

Columbus, Nebraska 68601