2019-07 minutes

Pawnee Amateur Radio Club

July 09, 2019

The Pawnee Amateur Radio Club held a meeting July 9th, 2019 at the Platte County Emergency Operations Center in Columbus Nebraska.  Club president, Dave AC0TF, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.  Treasurer K7CLP submitted his report .  

Members Present – AC0TF,  KD0RIZ, KD0OBA, NR0HK, K7CLP 


Old Business

Loup-de-Loup bike ride support June 15th (3rd Saturday in June).  Members participating:  NR0HK, AC0TF, K7CLP, WD0AAH, KD0GMK, KD0OBA.  The weather was breezy and rainy. 

Field Day June 22nd - 23rd.  K7CLP (set up his station in his motor home and worked 15 and 20 meters) and KD0OBA attended at WD0AAH's QTH.  The new Blue Valley vanity call sign is W0US was used.  A point of interest was a guest working CW.  Approximately 15 people attended.

July 27 - 28th Annual Hamvention / Campvention / Flea Market (Former Victoria Springs gathering) will be held at Bader park by Chapman Nebraska this year.  Contact WD0AAH for information on camping and schedule.  There will be a swap meet on Sunday.  Everyone is invited to come out and attend.

AC0TF will follow up on our club support for a radio merit badge program for a local Troop.  KD0OBA and K7CLP have also volunteered to help.  AC0TF confirmed that the Troop would like to conduct thid training over the winter months.

New Business

No new business was presented at this meeting

Sticking with the quarterly meeting schedule, the next Meeting will be October 10th.

With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Adam KD0RIZ seconded by Gene KD0OBA.  Motion carried.


KD0OBA brought a Baofeng radio as show and tell.


Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm


Club Web site – Minutes posted here:  http://www.WA0COL.com