2024-07 minutes

Pawnee Amateur Radio Club

July 9, 2024

The Pawnee Amateur Radio Club met in person  on  July 9th, in the Platte County EOC.  Club president, Dave AC0TF, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.  

Role was called by KD0OBA.  

Members Present – AC0TF (Adam),  KB0GZG (Randy), KD0OBA (Gene), KF0GCK (Dillon),  N0RHK (Tim), N0RHM (John), WD0AAH (Mark).  

New members - KF0Q0Z (Steve) and KF0QPC (Dick) along with guest K9OS (Orlando) were also present. 


Old Business

Treasurer report was given by AC0TF.

New Business

Welcome to new Technician license grantees in our area: KF0Q0Z (Steve) and KF0QPC (Dick).  Our club welcomes them with a complimentary one year membership.

The club mourned the passing of club treasurer and long time member K7CLP (Ted Black).  He was an outstanding gentleman and a strong supporter of Amateur Radio.  Ted's obituary can be found on the Osceola funeral home website:  https://www.dubasfuneralhome.com/obituary/TheodoreTed-Black

Discussion followed around filling the club treasurer role.  Motion by WD0AAH to name KD0RIZ (Adam Foster) as club treasurer, seconded by KF0GCK.  The motion passed unanimously. 

WD0AAH reported on the successful 2024 Field Day event hosted at his QTH.  A Boy Scout troop joined the Blue Valley radio club and worked on their Radio merit badge.  Club members from both clubs met and networked together.  HF and DStar VHF contacts were made.

WD0AAH announced the Pioneer Amateur Radio Club  North Bend Hamfest is occurring this Saturday (7/13/2024).  Doors open at 8am and close at 12:30pm.  There are two antenna analyzers being given away as grand prizes in the raffle.  North Bend has historically had a lot on display with their mix of amateur and vendor tables.  Event details are here:  http://www.k0sw.org/fleamarket.pdf

WD0AAH also announced the Central Nebraska Amateur Radio Club - Bader Park steak fry information.   July 27 - 28 at Bader Memorial Park, Chapman, Nebraska.  Hot dog feed on Saturday 6pm and Steaks on Sunday at 11am (bring a covered dish and your own table service for the steak fry).  Event details are here:  https://cnarc.club/#62th-annual-central-nebraska-amateur-radio-club-ham-fest-and-steak-fry

With no further business, the business portion was concluded and the club moved onto general discussion and the program for the evening. 


KD0OBA presented his VHF/UHV radio go bag containing two handheld VHU/UHF radios, a roll-up J-Pole antenna (sold by N9TAX   https://n9taxlabs.com/shop/ols/products/dual-band-2m-70cm-standard-antenna ), and his portable DStar hotspot.

KF0GCK discussed his trip to the 2024 Dayton Hamfest.


 General discussion then ensued with topics ranging from the NPR radio tower serving Columbus (K209FS, 89.7 FM) to club member radio station set ups and antennas used.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm



KD0OBA reports that the Saturday morning 9:00am nets and the Sunday evening 7:30pm nets have been receiving consistent check-in numbers.  Thanks to everyone for joining in.

Club Web site – Minutes posted here:  http://www.WA0COL.com