2015-08 Minutes

Pawnee Amateur Radio Club


August 11, 2015

The Pawnee Amateur Radio Club met August 11th, 2015 at the Emergency Operations Center under the courthouse in Columbus Nebraska.  Club vice president, Chris AC0DN, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.  Chris read the minutes of the July meeting.   Club Treasurer, Ted K7CLP, gave a treasury report as of 8/11/2015 with no outstanding bills for the month. 

Members attending:  AC0DN, KA0TWD, KE0AUP, W0ZAG, K7CLP, KD0OBA, KD0RIZ, Adam Jensen (future HAM)


Old Business

Nebraska State Fair - The Nebraska State Fair at Grand Island, NE is scheduled for August 28 - Sept 7th.  The Grand Island amateur radio club is looking for volunteers to help them provide coverage during this time.  Volunteers will wear yellow vests and act as local help and information providers.  Anyone interested in helping can check out GIHAMS.org or get with Chris or Dave for information.

Special event station planning – See club organization spreadsheet.  Additional planning meetings planned for 7:00pm on July 28th and Aug 4th at Hy-vee or more planning.

Event name: Andrew Jackson Higgins Memorial at Columbus Days

Aug 15, 1700Z-2100Z, WA0COL, Columbus, NE. Pawnee Amateur Radio Club. 14.270 7.250. Certificate. Pawnee Amateur Radio Club, c/o Chris Augustime, 1421 14th St, Columbus, NE 68601. To commemorate the life of Andrew Jackson Higgins (inventor of the LCVP or Higgins Boat the WWII landing craft used successfully at the invasion at Normandy).

-        Club call sign WA0COL will be used

-        We need to come up with some card ideas

-        Frequencies – 14.270 and 7.250

-        Club should check out the park location to plan layout 

-    The Club will set up the Log Book of the World software


Fox Hunt Transmitter - KD0OBA brought a small ammo-can that can be used to house the club Fox Hunt transmitter.  AC0DN and AC0TF will look at building the box.

Club T-shirts - Adam J. asked about club T-shirts.  Tim, N0RHM presented options for club T-shirts.  Club members can purchase blank T-shirts from Hobby Lobby and he can iron on a club designed transfer.  He will look into costs and report back.

New Business

Club Insurance - Ted K7CLP check with ARRL.  There was one provider available and with a club our size it is $200 a year for a one million dollar coverage policy.  The club can take a vote at the September meeting to see if we want to go that route.  Current dues won't cover it so the club will want to look at raising dues for next year.  Adam KD0RIZ will look up to see what club rules are in place to be able to make the dues change.

With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Adam KD0RIZ and seconded by, Gene KD0OBA.  Motion carried. 

Club Web site – Minutes posted here:  https://sites.google.com/site/pawneearc/ 



Pawnee Amateur Radio Club

Columbus, Nebraska 68601