2020-12 minutes

Pawnee Amateur Radio Club

December 20, 2020

Due to Covid19 concerns and social distancing, the Pawnee Amateur Radio Club held a meeting December 20th, on the N0RHM Repeater.  Club president, Dave AC0TF, called the meeting to order at 7:45 pm.  

Role was called by AC0TF.  Members Present – AC0TF, K7CLP, KD0OBA, KD0RIZ, WA0QCI, WD0AAH

Treasurer K7CLP submitted his report .  Treasurer K7CLP dues payments for 2021 are now due.  


Old Business

Antenna work on 146.640 will be postponed until we are able to meet and work in person.

York repeater update by K7CLP.  The York 146.270 repeater is back on-line.  It has a new antenna and coax feed line.

New Business

2021 Dues are due.  AC0TF will send out a reminder email to club members with instructions on how to pay them.

Motion made to keep current club officers in their current positions for 2021.  Seconded and accepted by voice vote.

AC0TF - President

KD0RIZ - Vice-President

K7CLP - Treasurer

KD0OBA - Secretary

DStar update by KD0OBA.  Visited tower site and noticed a burned wire on the upper DStar amplifier switch.  Sent photos to KD0RIZ, ACOTF and ACDN.  Adam KD0RIZ will try and take better photos the next time he at the site. 

Ticking noise noted on N0RHM repeater. 

With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Ted K7CLP seconded by Dave AC0TF.  Motion carried.


No program


Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm


Club Web site – Minutes posted here:  http://www.WA0COL.com