2021-07 minutes

Pawnee Amateur Radio Club

July 13, 2021

The Pawnee Amateur Radio Club met in person on July 13, 2021 in the Platte County Emergency Operations Facility.  Club president, Dave AC0TF, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.  

Members Present – AC0TF, KE0MKV, KD0OBA, KD0RIZ,  KA0TWD, N0RHM, WD0AAH

Treasurer K7CLP was not present no report was submitted.  Two members paid their 2021 dues.  KD0OBA collected the dues, will notify K7CPL and will deposit them into the Club account.


Old Business

Antenna work on 146.640 discussed.   AC0TF – WA0COL 146.640 repeater seems to have limited range.  The club will need to do some work on diagnosing the issues.  Check the feedline for damage and possibly reinstall the original antenna?

Not discussed:  KD0OBA visited tower site and noticed a burned wire on the upper DStar amplifier switch.  Sent photos to KD0RIZ, ACOTF and ACDN.  Adam KD0RIZ will try and take better photos the next time he is at the site. 

New Business

WD0AAH presented a linked repeater backbone design from K0RPT (Ed Holloway – Lincoln Southeast Nebraska ARES) for linking several repeaters in the area together.  Initial repeaters to be linked include: Blue Valley WA0HOU (147.270), Columbus WA0COL (442.050), Columbus WA0COL (146.640).  Future plans could link to North Bend (443.900), Osceola (146.835) and then into a repeater in Lincoln.

This design would move Columbus WA0COL 442.050 to the Rising City Fire Department 150’ tower and into a climate-controlled environment for the repeater.  It would be fitted with an antenna feed line and a different antenna.

The repeaters at Columbus (146.640) and Blue Valley (147.270) can be unlinked from the backbone whenever the local clubs desire.

Further information on this linked repeater design will be provided at the Lincoln club meeting 7/14/2021 (watchable on Zoom).

Further information about NeARES and their linked repeater system:  https://neares.net/


AC0TF – Motion to allow the relocation of WA0COL 442.050 repeater to Rising City.  WD0AAH - second.  Motion passed


WD0AAH – Motion to link WA0COL 146.640 to the relocated WA0COL 442.050 repeater in Rising City.  AC0TF - second.  Motion passed.


AC0TF – Motion to donate unused hard feed line currently stored at the DStar tower site to Ed Holloway.  KD0RIZ – second.  Motion passed.

UPDATE: After more information was received from NeARES and Ed Holloway (K0RPT) the club conducted a repeater meeting on Sunday 7/18/2021.  For insurance and funding reasons, the 442.050 repeater will need to be donated to NeARES care of K0RPT.  After a discussion: AC0TF - Motion to donate 442.050 to NeAREA.  KD0OBA - second.  Vote taken.  Motion passed. 

KA0TWD – Discussion that the club start meeting for breakfast at the Stack and Steak restaurant again on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month at 9am.   We would continue the Saturday morning 9am radio net on the 2nd and 4th Saturday mornings.  Everyone agreed with this plan.


N0RHM – Need to install the new Internet router at the DStar tower site and return the cellular modem on loan from EM.  KD0OBA and KD0RIZ took an action to get the new Internet router installed.

KD0OBA – Listen for a new ham in Genoa.  KF0GCK – He passed his Technician license on 07/10/2021 at the North Bend hamfest.  The club sends their congratulations and will extend a complimentary one year membership to this new amateur license holder.      

WD0AAH – Bader Park Hamfest and Campout.  July 24th / 25th

AC0TF – The club will need to update WA0COL repeater registration

With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Ted KD0OBA  seconded by Dave AC0TF.  Motion carried.


No program


Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm


Club Web site – Minutes posted here:  http://www.WA0COL.com