2016-06 Minutes

Pawnee Amateur Radio Club



June 06, 2016

The Pawnee Amateur Radio Club held a meeting June 6th, 2016 at the Emergency Operations Center in Columbus Nebraska.  Club president, Dave AC0TF, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.  AC0TF read the minutes of the April meeting.   Club Treasurer, Ted K7CLP, gave a treasury report as of 6/14/2016.  Ted noted that Club Liability insurance was purchased.  With no outstanding bills for the month.  The treasurer report was approved as read.


Old Business

440 repeater - Adam KD0RIZ has removed the insulation next time at the site.  It seemed to stay operational through out the cold weather.

Bill Kucera estate - Ted K7CLP gave an update.  A box of coax cable was presented for distribution.  There was still a power supply and rotator still available. 

IRLP - Internet Radio Linking Project - York tower owner is Mark KG0S.  AC0DN contacted KG0S and he was interested in placing his IRLP node at Columbus (currently set to 444.725 which will not work in Columbus, it can be retuned).  Would need to provide Internet access at the site or an Internet RF link.  AC0DN will coordinate and update the tower owner for his permission.

North Bend Flee Market - July 9th  9am - 12:30pm St. Charles Parish Center, VE Testing 10am.  Club discussed setting up a table.  More information here:  http://www.k0jfn.com/FLEAMARKET.pdf

Loop D Loup - June 18th.  The route will be the same as last year.  Meet at Isaak Walton's Cabin by 7:30am.  Club sign up sheet needs to be sent around for members that can help.  Positions discussed:

Rover - Chris AC0DN

Silver Creek - Ted K7CLP

Hwy 92/39 - Dave AC0TF

Hwy 92/81 - Adam KD0RIZ

Duncan - LaRonda KE0AUP

Net Control - Gene KD0OBA

Field Day at WD0AAH location near Surprise nebraska.  Everyone welcome and invited to intend.  Will be a fox hunt Saturday afternoon and a pot luck on Saturday night.

Columbus Days Special Event Station - August 20th.  Start earlier this year to avoid other contests.  Plan to run from 10am to 1pm.  Location will be Pawnee Park like last year. Adam KD0RIZ will write up a letter asking for permission to use the same location.  Adam KD0RIZ and Gene KD0OBA will plan to set up a DStar station at the same location.  Talked about how to log contacts. (Logbook of the World)

New Business

Noise on 640 repeater has been noted, will need to investigate.

Update of our ARRL information needed to maintain our club accreditation. An information sheet was passed around. 

No further new business for the month. 

With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Chris AC0DN  and seconded by Gene KD0OBA.  Motion carried. 

Club Web site – Minutes posted here:  http://www.WA0COL.com