2020-07 minutes

Pawnee Amateur Radio Club

July 14, 2020

Due to Covid19 concerns and social distancing, the Pawnee Amateur Radio Club held a meeting July 14th, on the N0RHM Repeater.  Club president, Dave AC0TF, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.  

Role was called by AC0TF.  Members Present – AC0TF, K7CLP, KD0OBA, WA0QCI, W0ZAG

Treasurer K7CLP submitted his report .  Treasurer K7CLP verified dues payments received for 2020.


Old Business

Royal Scouts radio merit badge:  Club support for a radio merit badge program for a local Royal Scouts Troop has been put on hold pending Covid19 concerns.  

Girl Scouts Thinking Day 2020: AC0TF reported on the club support of Girl Scouts Thinking Day held in February.  Club members AC0TF, K7CLP, W0ZAG and KD0OBA set up working HF and VHF/UHF stations.  AC0TF set up a tunable wire dipole and KD0OBA set up a VHF/UHF vertical.  K7CLP gave a talk on amateur radio emergency preparedness.  AC0TF and KD0OBA discussed DX and DStar operations.  At an arranged time the club station contacted another Girl Scout gathering in Omaha using DStar.  Girls from the Columbus Troops were able to make contacts with their Omaha counterparts. 

Field Day 2020:  K7CLP, KD0OBA and KE0MKV attended field day held at WD0AAH's residence.  K7CLP worked 15 and 20 meters from his mobile RV station.  Covid19 kept attendance low and everyone practiced social distancing.

New Business

Noise on the Columbus 146.640 repeater.  We will need to contact N0RHM to coordinate an inspection.

York repeater update by K7CLP.  The York 146.270 repeater is going off the air this week to replace the tower, foundation and guy wires.  Contact with a spray plane damaged a guy wire and twisted the tower.  The repeater will be off the air for at least 2 months.  A temporary repeater location will be used until the new tower can be activated.

DStar update by KD0OBA.  Reflector 002 is back on the Internet and being run by DStar users out of Omaha.  The Nebraska DStar net is being held on Thursday evenings 9:30 on REF002C.

Review of the FCC HAM licenses held in the Columbus area.  Recommendation by KD0OBA to review this list.  Discussion by AC0TF.  Club will see if there are any recently expired licenses in the area or new licenses in the area.  AC0TF mentioned that KZ1MM is showing as a new license in the area.

With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Ted K7CLP seconded by Dave AC0TF.  Motion carried.


No program


Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm


Club Web site – Minutes posted here:  http://www.WA0COL.com