2022-01 minutes

Pawnee Amateur Radio Club

January 11, 20220

Due to Covid19 concerns and social distancing, the Pawnee Amateur Radio Club held a meeting January 11th, on the N0RHM Repeater.  Club president, Dave AC0TF, called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.  

Role was called by KD0OBA.  Members Present – AC0TF,  KD0OBA, WD0AAH, KF0GCK

Treasurer K7CLP submitted his report previously .  Treasurer K7CLP dues payments for 2022 are now due.  


Old Business

Discussed previously: The burned switch and wiring on the 440 DStar amplifier were repaired by KD0OBA.  The amplifier was taken out of service, a new switch was ordered and installed by KD0OBA.  Cost of the switch was $50.

New Business

Dave AC0TF filled out the form to renew our WA0COL club call sign.  Gene KD0OBA scanned and emailed the document to the ARRL VEC.  We immediately received an email confirming receipt at the ARRL.  The ARRL forwarded the document to the FCC for processing.  There was no charge to renew the club call sign.

2022 Dues are due.  KD0OBA will send out a reminder email to club members with instructions on how to pay them.

Motion made to keep current club officers in their current positions for 2022.  Seconded and accepted by voice vote.

AC0TF - President

KD0RIZ - Vice-President

K7CLP - Treasurer

KD0OBA - Secretary

With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by KD0OBA seconded by WD0AAH.  Motion carried.


KF0GCK discussed several of his radio projects based around a home brewed Raspberry pi DMR hotspot.


Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm


Club Web site – Minutes posted here:  http://www.WA0COL.com