2017-08 Minutes

Pawnee Amateur Radio Club

August 8, 2017

The Pawnee Amateur Radio Club held a meeting August 8th, 2017 at the Emergency Operations Center in Columbus Nebraska.  Club president, Dave AC0TF, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.  Adam KD0RIZ read the minutes of the July club meeting.   Club Treasurer, Ted K7CLP, gave a treasury report as of 8/8/2017 with no outstanding bills for the month.  The treasurer report was approved as read.  



Old Business


64 Repeater - No change in status.  Club would like to get the old antenna out of the attic and setup in a temporary location for testing.  If it is determined that the old antenna is OK, we will need to coordinate the replacement.

·         Larry KD0TWD noted that there are times that the 640 repeater is overloaded by one of the law enforcement repeaters located in close proximity.


Gene reported that it appears that the DStar Reflector 002C is off-line.  With the Reflector off-line the 2 meter DStar link will not work.  This is a computer maintained by someone in Nebraska.  Tim N0RHM will be contacting NEMA to see if they know the status of the Reflector.

Columbus Days Special Event Station - Saturday, August 19th.  Start time 09:00 am CST and tear down 13:00 CST.  Will plan on working 20 meters and 40 meters. QSL cards and Logbook of the World.  Planning on working on or around 14.270 MHz and 7.25 MHz.  Blue Valley club is volunteering two Honda 2000 watt generators that they would like us to use. ACOTF has talked with N0RHM and has secured the use of the EM HF radio.   WD0AAH will also bring a FT-100 radio and a G5RV antenna.  This will be moved to Mark’s house.  Members planning to attend:  WD0AAH, KD0OBA, K7CLP


New Business

Noise was reported on the APRS equipment up at the DStar tower site.  Chris AC0DN went on site and reset the equipment and the noise has subsided.  This was originally reported by the tower owner Rob.


A motion was made by Adam KD0RIZ to give new club members their first year of membership free of charge.  Seconded by Mark WD0AAH.  Motion carried.


With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Adam KD0RIZ seconded by Chris AC0DN.  Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm


Club Web site – Minutes posted here:  http://www.WA0COL.com