2022-04 minutes

Pawnee Amateur Radio Club

KF0GCK Raspberry pi 2B running Pi-Star Hot Spot software configured for DMR.  The Raspberry pi has a lithium battery UPS hat attached.

KD0OBA Raspberry pi ZeroW running Pi-Star Hot  Spot software configured for D-Star.  The Raspberry pi is powered by a lithium battery pack.

April 12, 2022

The Pawnee Amateur Radio Club held an in person  meeting April 12th at the Columbus Nebraska Emergency Operations Facility.   Club president, Dave AC0TF, called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.  

Role call recorded by KD0OBA.  Members Present – AC0TF,  KD0OBA, WD0AAH, KF0GCK

Treasurer K7CLP submitted his report.  Treasurer K7CLP noted that dues payments for 2022 are now due.  


Old Business

Reviewed from previous meetings

The burned switch and wiring on the 440 DStar amplifier were repaired by KD0OBA.  The amplifier was taken out of service, a new switch was ordered and installed by KD0OBA.  Cost of the switch was $50.

Dave AC0TF filled out the form to renew our WA0COL club call sign.  Gene KD0OBA scanned and emailed the document to the ARRL VEC.  We immediately received an email confirming receipt at the ARRL.  The ARRL forwarded the document to the FCC for processing.  There was no charge to renew the club call sign.

New Business

The 2 meter DStar module (transmitter/receiver radios) were sent into iCom for analysis and repair.  A minor issue the the pre-amplifier was identified and the iCom service tech took it out of service (wired around it).  The DStar module was returned and placed in service at the tower site by KD0OBA.   Shipping and iCom repair fees were approximately $200.  Upon power up, there was no indication that it was working.  KD0OBA will need to return to the tower site and verify the transmit & receive frequencies in the 2 meter module.  If this does not work we will need to investigate the controller module.

2022 Dues are due.  KD0OBA will send out a reminder email to club members with instructions on how to pay them.

With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made to adjourn the business meeting and proceed to the technical demonstration.


KF0GCK and KD0OBA displayed their Raspberry pi based Pi-Star hot spots.  KF0GCK has his Pi-Star configured for DMR and KD0OBA has his configured for D-StarTogether if they use the QuadNet Array they can talk between themselves DMR to D-Star.


Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm


Club Web site – Minutes posted here:  http://www.WA0COL.com