2015-01 Minutes

Pawnee Amateur Radio Club

January 13, 2014

The Pawnee Amateur Radio Club met January 13th, 2015 at the Emergency Operations Center under the courthouse in Columbus Nebraska.  Club president, Dave AC0TF, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.  Dave AC0TF read the minutes of the December meeting for club secretary Adam KD0RIZ who was absent.   Club Treasurer, Ted K7CLP, gave a treasury report as of 1/12/2015 with no outstanding bills for the month.  Club dues are being deposited as they are paid.  Club dues are $12 per year and will be collected at any club meeting.  If you can’t make the meeting you can get your dues to Ted K7CLP at club breakfast on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays.

 Members attending:  AC0TF, AC0DN, KA0TWD, W0ZAG, KE0AUP, K7CLP, KD0OBA

Old Business

Old 440 repeater –  Repeater is no longer functioning (past several weeks).  We suspect the cold weather problem has returned.  AC0DN has looked up the PL tone jumpers in the repeater manual.  We would like to run the repeater without PL tones if possible.  Will plan to head out and check on the repeater status once the weather warms up.  KD0OBA noted an issue with the door locks sticking, N0RHM reported troubles unlocking the doors the last time he was at the site.

D-Star – Adam reported (via KD0OBA) that the propane lines have been connected.  N0RHM had told him that they are in the process of getting an electrical engine block heater installed.

Technician Class – Due to slow organizing, a start date for the Columbus class has not been set.  AC0TF agreed to function as the VE coordinator for the actual exam.  AC0DN, AC0TF, K7CLP are VE certified.  KD0OBA has submitted his paperwork.  LaRonda suggested an emphasis on explaining the questions and answers rather than focus on pure paperwork.  The Norfolk class required reading the chapters ahead of time.  Three weeks of classes 7pm-10pm, test on 4th week.  With N0RHM being absent we did not get any feed back on class advertising.  KD0OBA motion for the club to purchase a Technican ARRL manual.  Motion passed.

Special event station - There is interest by club members to run a special event station in 2015.  Planning to work out by the Andrew Jackson Higgens Memorial.  Planning that the station be run on Saturday, Aug 15th during the Columbus Days weekend as August is Andrew Higgen's birth and death month.  20 meters was suggested as the planned band to use.  Need to investigate special call signs, will require SASE for QSL cards.  Need to talk with N0RHM about park permits and vehicle support.  Planning on using WA0COL club call sign.  AC0TF will check with ARRL about getting the special event listed. 

State Fair - Looking for help from local radio clubs for next year.

Repeater coordination renewal – Dave AC0TF has filled out and mailed the forms to keep our repeater frequencies coordinated mailed Dec 11th, 2014.

New Business

EM's MFJ Antenna Analyzer – AC0DN MFJ actually did send us our batteries, they were taped to the side of the box. 

Non-profit Status Non-profit status (State of Nebraska) notice of renewal fee due was received.   

Static on repeaters / scanners – KA0TWD noted that he has been hearing heavy static blasts across repeaters and scanners at his house.

Club Web site – Club minutes are now being posted to the PARC club web site.  https://sites.google.com/site/pawneearc/ 

With no further business, the club business meeting was adjourned. 


Pawnee Amateur Radio Club

Columbus, Nebraska 68601