2015-02 Minutes

Pawnee Amateur Radio Club

February 10, 2015

The Pawnee Amateur Radio Club met February 10th, 2015 at the Emergency Operations Center under the courthouse in Columbus Nebraska.  Club president, Dave AC0TF, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.  Adam KD0RIZ read the minutes of the January meeting.   Club Treasurer, Ted K7CLP, gave a treasury report as of 2/10/2015 with no outstanding bills for the month. 

Attending / Roll Call

AC0DN – Dave

AC0TF – Chris

K7CLP – Ted

KA0TWD – Larry

KD0OBA – Gene

KD0RIZ – Adam

KE0AUP –LaRonda

N0RHM – Tim

W0ZAG – Gene


Old Business

Old 440 repeater –  Repeater is working again when it is warmer. The club will continue to look at shutting off the tone control.  We may want to look at creating an insulated cover to help retain the heat and keep it warmer. 

D-Star tower site – Door locks have been worked on at the tower site and are now working.  NR0HM needs a hole cut in a cover plate and a CAT-5 cable run to monitor the generator starts and stops.  K7CLP offered to work with Tim

Technician Class – K7CLP is checking with ARRL on class training materials.  KD0RIZ has several interested parties.

VE Exams – Exam option.  An exam session will be held at the Nebraska Hamfest March 21st


Special event station – The club will run a special event station in 2015.  We are planning to work out by the Andrew Jackson Higgens Memorial ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Higgins ).  Planning for the station be run on Saturday, Aug 15th during the Columbus Days weekend as August is Andrew Higgen's birth and death month.  20 meters and D-Star were suggested as the planned bands to use.  Antenna and tower options were discussed.  Will use the WA0COL club call sign, a SASE will be required for stations asking for QSL certificates.    N0RHM will coordinate park permits and vehicle support.  We are planning on using the WA0COL club call sign.  AC0TF checked with ARRL about getting the special event listed – ARRL needs notification at least 2 months in advance.  There is an on-line form.  We need to submit by May 1st.   The plan is to list the club web site to provide more information, KD0OBA will create a special page for the special event information.  


New Business

Loup-de-Loup – AC0TF reported that there may be a different bike route this year.  This may impact the club support location sites.  He will have more information by the next meeting. 

D-Star Net – KD0RIZ and KD0OBA are net control for the Nebraska state wide D-Star net.  The net will now be held the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 8:30pm. 

Club Web site – Club minutes are now being posted to the PARC club web site.  https://sites.google.com/site/pawneearc/ 

With no further business, the club business meeting was adjourned.  

Dave AC0TF then gave a presentation on the upcoming the Nebraska Hamfest (March 21st) in Lincoln.  KD0OBA presented options for mounting a 2m/440cm antenna at a PARC member residence.


Pawnee Amateur Radio Club

Columbus, Nebraska 68601