2023-01 minutes

Pawnee Amateur Radio Club

January 10, 2023

The Pawnee Amateur Radio Club met in person on January 10th, in the Platte County EOC. Club president, Dave AC0TF, called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.

Role was called by KD0OBA. Members Present – AC0TF, KD0OBA, KE0MKV, WD0AAH, KF0GCK, KA0TWD, KD0RIZ, K7CLP

Treasurer K7CLP submitted his report previously . Treasurer K7CLP collected dues payments for 2023.

Old Business

DStar - 2 meter is still off-line. KD0OBA will contact NI0P to see if he can help.

Discussed issues with limited range and slow disconnect after transmission on 146.640 repeater.

New Business

Discussion concerning non-profit club status. WD0AAH will research further.

Old club owned repeater controller hardware previously stored at AC0DN 's QTH was brought and displayed at the meeting. Motions were made to donate the old 146.640 hardware to the Nebraska AREAS group and to donate the old 146.775 hardware to the Butler County Emergency Management group for use as a new Salvation Army / Red Cross / HAM repeater.

Motion made by KD0RIZ, Second made by AC0TF, motion passed.

2023 Dues are due. KD0OBA will send out a reminder email to club members with instructions on how to pay them.

Motion made by WD0AAH to keep current club officers in their current positions for 2023. Seconded by KE0MKV and passed by voice vote.

AC0TF - President

KD0RIZ - Vice-President

K7CLP - Treasurer

KD0OBA - Secretary

KD0OBA presented information on the 2023 Nebraska Hamfest to be held in Lincoln, NE on May 13, 2023.

With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by KD0OBA seconded by WD0AAH. Motion carried.


KD0OBA discussed two of his APRS radio projects. 1) based on a home brewed Baofeng handheld combined with APRSDroid software and 2) an APRS receive only iGate based on a Raspberry pi using a software defined radio dongle (SDR).

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm

Club Web site – Minutes posted here: http://www.WA0COL.com