2019-01 minutes

Pawnee Amateur Radio Club

January 08, 2019

The Pawnee Amateur Radio Club held a meeting December 11th, 2018 at the Emergency Operations Center in Columbus Nebraska. Club president, Dave AC0TF, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. No Treasurer report was given.

Members Present – AC0TF, AC0DN, KD0RIZ, KD0OBA, K7CLP, KE0AUP, WD0AAH

Guests - Jason K. a future HAM who was interested in obtaining his Technician License.

Old Business

Club meeting schedule for 2019: Discussion was based around meeting on a quarterly basis. Motion to move to quarterly meetings made by WD0AAH, seconded by K7CLP. Motion passed. The next meeting will be April 9th.

Club dues collected by K7CPL. Dues are $20 for the year.

New Business

Christopher R. contacted AC0TF about obtaining a Technician license. Dave provided online info and testing info to him.

Club events planned for 2019:

March 3rd State HAM radio convention (testing available) in Lincoln, NE at the Lancaster Events Center.

Loup-de-Loup bike ride support June 15th (3rd Saturday in June)

Field Day June 22nd - 23rd. WD0AAH is planning to hold an event at his QTH on that Saturday. Come out and see HF radio in action.

July 27 - 28th Annual Hamvention / Campvention / Flea Market (Former Victoria Springs gathering) will be held at Bader park by Chapman Nebraska this year. Contact WD0AAH for information on camping and schedule.


AC0TF presented a club project idea to build a 2-Meter Slot-Cube Antenna (AC0TF provided a handout with instructions). What is a slot antenna and how does it work? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dI6e4ZR9Oi8&t=281s

Additional information on the Slot-Cube Antenna: http://www.arrl.org/forum/topics/view/2393

Materials build list:

4 Each 8.5"

2 Each 8"

2 Each 7"

2 Each 6"

2 Each 3.5"

2 Each 1"

Gap in CPVC connector is 1/8"

10 Each 90* Elbow

2 Each "T" Fittings

KD0OBA presented his plan to build a portable 12-volt power box. (KD0OBA brought a demo box fitted with two SLA 12 volt batteries). Design ideas provided by YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAErwLnsSIY

With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Adam KD0RIZ seconded by Gene KD0OBA. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm

Club Web site – Minutes posted here: http://www.WA0COL.com