2015-04 Minutes

Pawnee Amateur Radio Club

April 14, 2015

The Pawnee Amateur Radio Club met April 14th, 2015 at the Emergency Operations Center under the courthouse in Columbus Nebraska. Club president, Dave AC0TF, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Adam KD0RIZ read the minutes of the March meeting. Club Treasurer, Ted K7CLP, gave a treasury report as of 4/14/2015 with no outstanding bills for the month.

Members attending: AC0TF, AC0DN, KA0TWD, WA0QCI, K7CLP, KD0OBA, WD0AAH, KD0RIZ, N0RHK, N0RHM, Guests: N5SEZ, KB0LF

Old Business

Technician Class – Ted K7CLP can be a coordinator for a local testing session if needed. North Bend will have one the second weekend in July. Check out QRZ.com for testing tips and be sure to have the latest edition of the book.

Loop d Loup – 775 repeater is back up and operational. Ted K7CLP can make both 64 and 775 repeaters but 775 is better overall. Hwy 39 and 92 junction is the weakest spot but doable. Duncan Ribfest is the same day… Tim H. KD0GMI may have a beam antenna we could use.

Special Event Station – We need to come up with a name for the event.

    • Tim N0RHM talked with the city and we could set up in the town square. Power is available there but there might be loud music. To use the park we have to clear it with the city. Adam KD0RIZ will draft up a letter to send to the city administrator.
    • Frequency – 20 and 40m – Chris AC0DN will request a range – there is a form to fill out on ARRL
    • Time of event: Noon to 4 pm – August 15th
    • Ted K7CLP has a 20m dipole antenna built and ready to go.

New Business

2015 Nebraska QSO Party – Fred KB0LF and Ray N5SEZ

    • Saturday April 18th 7 am to 9 pm
    • Sunday April 19th Noon to 6 pm
    • Info: http://www.qcwa.org/chapter025.htm or Fred2491@windstream.net
    • Get clubs to activate their calls for 30 min.
    • 20m and 40m used
    • Send logs to K0GND

DStar 880H – Tim N0RHM has this radio that can be loaned out to those interested in trying out DStar. Gene KD0OBA can help with programming it.

775 Repeater – Back online. UPS failed and took down the repeater. It is currently running without it. The plan is to run with it as is and see how it works.

With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Chris AC0DN and seconded by, Mark WD0AAH. Motion carried.

Pawnee Amateur Radio Club

Columbus, Nebraska 68601