2015-03 Minutes

Pawnee Amateur Radio Club


March 10, 2015

The Pawnee Amateur Radio Club met March 10th, 2015 at the Emergency Operations Center under the courthouse in Columbus Nebraska.  Club president, Dave AC0TF, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.  Adam KD0RIZ read the minutes of the February meeting.   Ted K7CLP made a motion to accept the minutes as read with a second from Bill W0BTB, motion carried.  Club Treasurer, Ted K7CLP, gave a treasury report as of 3/10/2015 with no outstanding bills for the month. 



Old Business

Old 440 repeater –  Repeater is working now that the weather has been warmer.  We still want to get up there to turn off the tone.  Ted K7CLP has a cover we can use for when the weather gets cold again.

D-Star – Adam KD0RIZ has the generator cover that Ted K7CLP modified and will get it installed  next trip to the tower site.

Technician Class – Adam KD0RIZ will look to see what sort of interest there would be for a Q&A session for those interested in doing a self-study for the tech certification.  There could also be a testing session put together if there are enough people ready and interested.

Special event station – We need to check to make sure our weekend doesn’t overlap with another contest.  Mark WD0AAH will ask the Victoria Springs coordinator what the process  is that he uses to pick frequencies.  Chris AC0DN has a retired tuner the club can use for the event.  The club needs to pick a frequency or frequencies to give to ARRL for the event and pick a radio/radios and antennas.  Tim N0RHM has a generator and radio we can use. 

Repeater renewal – The club is renewed for another two years.   Adam KD0RIZ put the paperwork in the club briefcase.


New Business

Loop d Loup – Dave AC0TF confirmed there is a route change for 2015.  Bikers start at Izzak Walton’s and head south to Shelby, over to HWY 39, then north to Shell Creek, and finally back east to the finish.  The event is June 20th, 2015 and starts at 8 am.  Plan to setup at the water stops as usual with a rover if possible.

EM Analyzer – Chris AC0DN found the batteries!    

Linked repeaters – Chris AC0DN mentioned that there are some linked repeaters consisting of Kearney, Grand Island, Hastings, Lexington, and perhaps others if you happen to listen while in the area.

Club Web site – Club minutes are now being posted to the PARC club web site.  https://sites.google.com/site/pawneearc/ 


With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Adam KD0RIZ and seconded by Chris AC0DN, motion carried. 

Pawnee Amateur Radio Club

Columbus, Nebraska 68601