MARSHALL Bernard Sanderson

Lieutenant Bernard S. Marshall M.C.

Lieutenant Bernard S. Marshall M.C.

20th Squadron, Royal Flying Corps and General List

Killed In Action 7th June 1917, aged 22

Born 24 November 1894

Commemorated with Honour on ARRAS FLYING SERVICES MEMORIAL, France

As well as The Rood Screen at All Saints' Church, Oystermouth Memorial.

Son of Henry John and Helen Marshall, of ‘Lyndale’ Mumbles, Swansea.

(and Carisbrooke, Eaton Crescent, Swansea).

Holder of Military Cross-gained when serving with 5th S.W.B. at Vimy Ridge, prior to his transfer to the R.F.C. In November 1916.

'Temp. 2nd Lt. Bernard Sanderson Marshall, 6th (S) Bn, S. Wales Bord. For gallant conduct and devotion to duty when consolidating a crater. Though badly hit in the arm he carried on.' The London Gazette, July 1916

From 'The Abingdonian' July 1916

Shown wearing his M.C., pilot wings and South Wales Borderers badge. He had gained the Military Cross when serving with 5th S.W.B. at Vimy Ridge, prior to his transfer to the R.F.C. In November 1916.

Lieutenant Bernard Sanderson Marshall, M.C.



'Previously reported as missing, now reported as killed. Lieutenant Marshall was the only son of Mr and Mrs Henry J Marshall, of Lyndale, Mumbles.

He quickly realised the call of duty and applied for a commission in September 1914, being gazette to the S. W. B.'s 5th Batt. Pioneers in December of that year. He was in France through the winter of 1915-16 and was wounded on Vimy Ridge in May . . .' [this action is detailed below]. '. . . For this he was awarded the Militery Cross, being one of the first Swansea Men to win this distinction.

In November of 1916 he applied for and was transferred to the R. F. C., getting his "wings" at the end of May the following year and left immediately for France, where his career was only a short one of five days.

The last record in his log was on June 7th 1917 (early morning) the day of the big mine explosion at Messines. In that he stated ‘Infantry commencing to Advance.’ He went up again in the afternoon, but from this flight he never returned.

He was shot down by fire from a German anti-aircraft battery. . . . he remained beneath the machine, which sank in the river and recorded as Missing.

Lieutenant Marshall was educated at the Swansea Grammar School and Abingdon College.

He was studying for the profession of a civil engineer, and had passed the Inter B.Sc. (Engineering), London, in June or July, 1914.'

South Wales Daily Post, 30 January 1918

The full article is shown below 'OVER THE GERMAN LINES'

An extract from the book by Dr Jonathan Hicks.

'Wales and the First Air War 1914-1918'

Bernard Marshall

Before the war he was educated st Abingdon School, left 1912. He decided a career in engineering and was reading for degree. Just before the outbreak of war, he took his Inter B.Sc (Engineering) in London.

War breaks out and he volunteered for the service of the Royal Engineers. Winter 1915/16 he is at the front. Wounded at Vimy Ridge recommended by his commanding officer for a MC for gallant conduct in capturing and holding a crater under a hurricane of fire.

He was wounded and applied for transfer to the RFC, gazetted in December 1916.

Six months training and took his wings and ordered back to France again June 1917.

On his second flight of 7th June, as described above. Months later his observer reported that while on an offensive patrol, they had attacked a flight of enemy machines and an anti-aircraft shell had burst near them.

Marshall was hit in the head and killed as result. The aircraft was put out of action plunging down into a canal near Lille. The machine and body were not recovered

South Wales Daily Post, 30 January 1917

2nd Lieutenant Bernard Sanderson Marshall, M.C. Wearing his flying kit.

Playing cricket at Abingdon College, aged 16 years

Service details sent to Abingdon College, from Bernard's home address


ABINGDON SCHOOL Magazine First World War Records -

The Abingdonian

Lieutenant Bernard Sanderson Marshall, MC