DAVIES John Tyssil


DAVIES John Tyssil, is also known as TYSSIL-DAVIES John

DAVIES John Tyssil

is named on two Mumbles Memorials and at Llanstephan Church Memorial Hall:

But is named in CWGC records and on his headstone at Gillingham Cemetery as


Lieutenant, Royal Navy, H.M.S. Hindustan

Died aged 37, After an Operation, 21st January 1918


Buried with Honour at


NAVAL 24. 1243.


Husband of Sybil E. H. H. Tyssil-Davies, of 8, St. Helena Road, Westbury Park, Bristol and of Park Villa. Llanstephan.

John left a widow and three Children,

Son of the Rev. D. S. Davies, Vicar of Llanybri, Carmarthenshire

Parents address, Church Park, Mumbles.

John was the brother of the Reverent Latimer Davies, curate of Oystermouth Parish Church.

Commemorated on the Great War Memorial at Llanstephan Church Memorial Hall

Acknowledgement Additional Information below is from CARMARTHEN COUNTY WAR MEMORIAL

John Tyssil Davies,

Lieutenant, Royal Navy.

John was born at Llandyssilio on 24 February 1879, the son of the Rev. D. S. Davies. After being educated at Whitland Grammar School, John's father took up the post of Vicar of Llanybri, and the family moved there as a result.

John seems to have served with the Merchant Navy prior to the war, after being awarded his Board of Trade Certificate on 4 September 1906.

He then married Sybil Evelyn H. H. Harding in Montgomeryshire in 1908, and the couple set up home at Park Villa, Llanstephan.

Lieut J. T. Davies is the first named on the Great War memorial at Llanstephan Church Memorial Hall

After the declaration of war, John decided to enlist into the Royal Navy, and served aboard the Transport Ship Pardo before being granted a commission as Sub-Lieutenant into the Royal Naval Reserve on 14 September 1915.

John trained at Devonport, before serving at HMS Vivid, HMS Vengeance II and HMS Dido.

On 15 May 1917 he was posted to the pre-dreadnought battleship HMS Hindustan, which was attached to the Nore Command, based at Sheerness. He served aboard for several months, and became promoted to Lieutenant.

John became ill with appendicitis, and was hospitalised at the RN Hospital Chatham.

After undergoing an operation, John sadly died on 21 January 1918, aged 37 and is buried at Gillingham (Woodlands) Cemetery, Kent.

He is also recorded on the Whitland Grammar School Memorial as well as at Mumbles, where his brother, Reverend Latimer Davies, was curate of Oystermouth Parish Church.

Sybil later resided at 8,St. Helena Road, Westbury Park, Bristol, and died at Weston-Super-Mare in 1963.

The photo of the headstone and additional details are reproduced from http://www.laugharnewarmemorial.co.uk/page71.htm

acknowledgement is given to the website and the author. sd-john@sky.com

