Surveying Dutch Visitors Workwear Fair In Düsseldorf
Rare Fieldwork Project
Inview had one more rare fieldwork project I did in 2017. Inview needed fieldworkers to survey at a Workwear fair. This project was a nice one, meaning I would travel to Düsseldorf, Germany. Better than surveying people in jail, read the blog Surveying 1 Question In Jail With VOG. All the fieldwork I did for Inview I did as a zzp'er (entrepreneur).
The Workwear Fair In Düsseldorf Germany
The Workwear fair was a very big fair. The Jaarbeurs in Utrecht and The RAI in Amsterdam could fit together in the fair location in Düsseldorf. It was very big. I wander one time through the whole fair and came across lots of different styles of workwear. It was actually very interesting, it took hours and I got inspiration for my own weather workwear.
The Dutch Client Of Inview Needed Its Visitors To Be Surveyed
Of all the visitors entering the Workwear fair the fieldworkers had to spot the visitors of the client and survey them. The visitors of the client of Inview could have breakfast or coffee all day during the Workwear fair. The fieldworkers' task was to question the customer's visitors about their visit to the Workwear fair. After participating, visitors of the fair received a voucher or were taken to the client's exhibition stand by one of the fieldworkers for coffee or breakfast.
The Surveys Were Done In Dutch, English & German At The Workwear Fair In Düsseldorf, Germany
Although I did not speak German I was asked to go to the Workwear fair in Düsseldorf, Germany. The fieldwork would be in Dutch, German and English. My other three colleague fieldworkers spoke German and some preferred not to interview in English. All the English speakers were therefor directed to me to be surveyed and of course I directed all the German speaking ones to them. The Dutch ones all of us could interview.
Full Week Workwear Fair In Düsseldorf, Germany
The Workwear fair lasted a working week. The surveys were conducted on all the fair days, but not all of the 4 fieldworkers were needed all the days, because not all the days were busy days for the fair. I joined my fellow fieldworkers later during the week and worked on the last day. An apartment was arranged for the fieldworkers. On the last day, when there were only two fieldworkers left, a hotel was booked with each fieldworker having their own hotelroom. In addition to being paid for this gig, food money and travel money were also arranged individually. My work and budgets were all paid through my invoice as an entrepreneur.
Research Functions I had
2023 - Now Wish To Obtain A Doctorate (entrepreneur)
2023 - Now Women Are Part Of The World (entrepreneur)
2022 - Now Nosy About Hanzesteden (entrepreneur)
2018 - Now Big Data course on Laudius platform (entrepreneur)
2017 - Now Veldwerk IPSOS I&O (entrepreneur)
2023 - 2024 Notuleren (Taking Minutes) (entrepreneur)
2020 Supervising An Interview Team Which Spoke Papiamento To Interview People From Dutch Caribbean In Dutch (entrepreneur)
2019 Voorzitten focus group in regiobijeenkomsten Anoiksis Je behandelaar en jij! naar aanleiding onderzoek Therapeutischerelatie tussen client en behandelaar (volunteer)
2018 Coding Qualitative Interviews & Focusgroups (entrepreneur)
2018 Designing An Online Survey For 'Huiselijk Geweld' (entrepreneur)
2017 - 2022 Forum Research, Projects Done As An Entrepreneur (entrepreneur)
2017 - 2019 Reality Keeper App (entrepreneur)
Jun. 2017 - Aug 2018 Think along as a resident and researcher at WijEindhoven (entrepreneur & volunteer)
2017 & 2018 Dutch Hacking Health Hackathon (entrepreneur)
2017 Who cares Samen Vooruit CommUnity: hoe buurten in Almere Haven zelf hun toekomst gaan bepalen (entrepreneur)
2017 Who Cares (entrepreneur)
2015 - 2016 Cultuur Analyses In Excel (entrepreneur)
2015 Independent Data Analyst For Rotterdam Festivals (entrepreneur)
2014 - 2022 Inview, Projects Done As An Entrepreneur
2012 - 2013 Data-manager at Kennisbank Filantropie (wage labour)
2012 Data Analist at Altrecht Utrecht (volunteer)
2012 Information Analist at Vereninging Verkeersslachtoffers (volunteer)
2011 Interim Researcher at CBS (wage labour)
Apr. 2010 – Aug. 2011 Member researchgroup Sarnami Instituut Nederland (volunteer)
2009 - 2011 Datamanager VUMC (wage labour)
2009 Stichting Facit (wage labour)
2007 - 2009 Consultant & IT Coordinator at Stogo Onderzoek & Advies (wage labour)
2007 Researcher at Gemeente Rotterdam (wage labour)
2005 - 2007 Project employee at E-Quality (wage labour)
2005 Side job Market Research Assistant at Annalise BV (wage labour)
2005 Side job Data-entry at an Insurance (wage labour)
2004 -2005 Side job Interviewer at Forum Institute for Ethnicity and Diversity Policy (wage labour)
2004 - 2005 Side Job Student-assistent late professor Ronald van Kempen (wage labour)
2004 What kind of sales administration is there at Select Staal & Metaal and building an Access for keeping their sales administration (internship)
2003 Researching if the hours of the police are used for police work or administration (Capacity research) (internship)
2000 Summer job Data-entry at an Insurance (internship)