
Humans move at Dice+DX/feet per second at a walking pace. They can run up to 5 times this pace.

•2 x pace is a jog.

•3 x pace is a run.

•4 x pace is a sprint, and the fastest that humans can reliably maneuver.

•5 x pace is a dash – and requires near optimal conditions (a track) to achieve without staggering bonuses.

If the character is of unusual size, ignore the Size-related DX penalty when calculating the MV. The length of the stride cancels out the impaired DX. (We’re not really sure this is the case, but it seems plausible, and is mathematically convenient so…)

· Humans can jump vertically 1+DX in feet. This means anyone with –2 DX or lower basically can’t jump.

· Humans can jump horizontally at their current rate of movement + DX+1d6 feet.

· Humans swim, climb or crawl at half of their base Move.

At normal pace, no roll is normally required.

At higher speeds turning corners or dodging obstacles may require a task roll. Multiply the normal Difficulty times the pace. So jumping a hedge (Moderate – 2DD) at 3x pace would be 6 DD.

Going As Fast as You Can

Characters can always move their normal max speed under ideal conditions. Under desperate circumstances, they can roll, and they may or may not go faster. The minimum difficulty for this task is equal to the Pace (so 5DD in most cases). Add (or subtract) the Difference to the feet/second the character is moving for that maneuver.

Technically, a character tops out at run (3xpace) on the first action of a moving maneuver, and then needs a second (consecutive) action to get to Dash (5xpace). This does simulate the actual acceleration mechanics of running.

It is OK to not enforce this per Rule 5.