
A Stat (short for Statistic) represents any trait or ability that is present all the time.

Stats are divided into four realms, largely for clarity and convenience: Physical, Mental, Emotional and Practical.

The standard stats are:





Stats are assumed to be in the normal range unless noted otherwise. Normal in a Stat is 0, meaning the character does not add or subtract any dice from his roll in this particular area.

Most people have a 0 in most stats.

Stats above or below average add or subtract their current value from the roll whenever a task is attempted that the ability would affect.

–Above average (top 25%) = +1

–Extraordinary (top 10%) = +2

–World Class (top 05%) = +3


- Below Average = -1

- Impaired = -2

- Crippled = -3

Stats cannot exceed the character's Core Dice unless they are a Extraordinary - meaning, in this context, there must be some plausible explanation for the beyond-human value. (Rule #3). Thus, more than +3 is beyond most normal humans.

Regular Cast Members can start out adding +4 to any stat or combination of stats.

In addition to the starting +4, RCM's can increase any standard Stat by decreasing another standard Stat by the same amount. So you could gain +2 in Strength by taking a -2 penalty in Dexterity and so forth. No ability may be raised or lowered by more than 4 in this way. All of this must take place before the character appears in any episode.

Once a character appears, Stats can only be changed through game action or Plot Points.

Stats can be developed through Plops at a standard multiplier of x4. All of the Standard Stats are standard cost. This can be done at any time between episodes. This can even be done within an episode, so long as the player can explain why this sudden change would be plausible. [See Rule #3].

Optional Stats

There are other possible Stats beyond the standards should a character require such. A priest might have a Faith Stat, a wizard might have a Magic Stat and so forth. All characters possess the standard Stats. Other Stats – called Optional Stats – are case-by-case.

Optional stats must be purchased through Plot Points. An optional Stat at value zero costs one Plop, plus any Unusual, Supernatural and Fantastic Plop cost modifiers.

So the Faith stat cited above would be standard - anyone can have Faith - and only cost one Plop. The Magic stat would be Supernatural, so it would cost 3 Plops.

Example: a character with wings growing out of their back would need a second Move stat for flying. This would be both Unusual and Supernatural (so adding 3 to the multiplier). If this character came from a race that had wings, however, this would not be Unusual, so only +2 to the modifier.

Next: Talents