
Special items – something that could not be purchased, inherited or otherwise reasonably acquired within the character’s origin, be it custom, high-tech, magical, alien, whatever - can be purchased with Plot Points. These are called Props.

· A Prop costs one Plop if the XP determines the particulars.

· A Prop costs 3 Plops if the player determines the particulars.

The difference between Props and stuff is not dissimilar to the difference between Guest Stars and extras.

The Game Artifacts are their own thing – have their own rules - and Regular Cast Members should never have to pay for them in Plops. (See the Setting Bible).

If an item is plausibly available for sale (or some other form of acquisition) within a particular episode setting, a character could locate it through some sort of Perception check - or with more certainty - by bribing the XP with a Plops point.

If you want to make a thing out of this, we actually have rules for shopping.

See also: Making Things and/or Breaking Stuff.