Breaking Stuff

Humans are actually surprisingly adept at breaking things. Even beyond Rule #5, there is a standing rule:

If a character wants to break something, and he has the plausible means to do so, the thing is broken.

There are really only a few exceptions to this, that we will get to shortly.

In GAFT, the universe of physical objects breaks down into two categories: Things that matter to the story (Props) and everything else (Stuff).

Let's clear away with Stuff first: whoever got the highest roll in the situation can determine the fate of the stuff involved. Absent of a relevant high roll, the owner of the stuff determines the fate. Absent of a (player) owner, the XP determines the fate. We do not roll for stuff. The first thing that came to your mind when you wondered what happened to it is what happened to it.

Props we care a little more about.

Props include:

  • Any item that a character acquired via Fate.
  • Any item listed on a Character sheet that the player designates as a Prop.
  • Armor and armored things.
  • Magical or super-science Artifacts.
  • Vehicles that the cast might operate
  • Any item whose functionality is relevant to the plot.

If any such item is endangered, and the outcome is in doubt, you can make a Breakage roll, which is 1d6 modified by any of the following:

  • Extremely fragile (glass vials and the like) -2
  • Fragile (your cel phone w/o a protective case) -1
  • Impact resistant +1
  • Hardened or reinforced +2
  • Superior quality + bonus
  • Damage dealt in the incident -1/dice dealt to the holder or user of the item OR straight damage if the item was loose.
  • Tech Level = TL divided by 3.

When that roll is calculated consult below:

  • 0 or lower = The item is destroyed beyond repair.
  • 1 = Broken. The item is broken and non-functional. Add 2 DD to any repair attempt.
  • 2 = Damaged. Any attempt to use this will be -2dice. Also add 1DD to any repair attempt.
  • 3= Less damaged. Any attempt to use this will be -1 dice.
  • 4 = Cosmetic damage. Works fine, but can no longer be listed as in Good condition.
  • 5 or more = Fine. Whew.