Freezer Raspberry Jam

Freezer Raspberry Jam (adapted from MCP Pectin Box)

1 box of pectin (MCP is what I used)

3 1/4 cups crushed raspberries

1/4 cup fresh lemon juice, plus 1 tablepoon

4 cups sugar

1 cup corn syrup

First: The Berries

I crushed my berries in a 2-cup glass measuring cup. I just added and crushed with a wooden spoon till I had 2 cups.

Then, I crushed a few cups of berries in a seperate bowl, then strained them through a wire strainer into the measuring cup until I had 1 1/4 cups of raspberry puree. This did take a while, but it was worth it! Use a wooden spoon to press the puree through the strainer, spreading firmly back and forth, stirring against the mesh, and making sure to scrape off the outside bottom of the strainer occasionally (there's good stuff there!)


Make sure your jam containers are washed and dried.

Prepare your fruit (crushing and straining) and stir in a large bowl with the lemon juice.Measure exactly 4 cups of sugar into a separate bowl. Set aside for later.

Gradually stir the whole box of pectin into your fruit. Set aside for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Stir in 1 cup light corn syrup. Then gradually stir in the sugar. Stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved, and no longer grainy. This takes a long time! You can test it by running a finger through the jam on the back of your spoon. If you feel sugar grains, it's not done yet!

Pour into containers, leaving about a 1/2 inch of space for the jam to expand in the freezer. Let stand at room temperature for about 24 hours, then freeze or refrigerate.