Cinnamon Swirl Tea Loaf

Cinnamon Swirl Tea Loaf (from the English Kitchen)

4 ounces butter, softened (1/2 cup)

2 large free range eggs

250ml of sour cream

2 tsp vanilla extract

7 ounces caster (superfine) sugar (1 cup)

8 1/2 ounces plain flour (2 cups)

1/2 tsp baking soda

1 tsp baking powder

pinch salt

6 TBS soft light brown sugar, packed

2 TBS ground cinnamon

dash allspice (I didn't have allspice, so I used nutmeg)

Preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F/ gas mark 4. Butter a 9 by 5 inch loaf tin and line with baking paper. Set aside.

Measure the butter, eggs, sour cream, vanilla, sugar, flour, soda, baking powder and salt into a bowl. Beat together until combined, but do not overbeat. Stir together the brown sugar, cinnamon and allspice (or nutmeg!)

Spread half of the batter into the prepared baking tin. Sprinkle with half of the cinnamon sugar mixture. Spread the remainiing batter over top. Sprinkle with the remaining cinnamon sugar. Using a round bladed knife, gently cut through the batter to swirl the cinnamon sugar through. (I over-swirled. Gently would be the key word here...)

Bake for 50 to 60 minutes until well risen and a toothpick inserted into the centre comes out clean. Cool in the tin for 10 minutes before removing to a wire rack to finish cooling completely. Store wrapped tightly in cling wrap. Serve cut in slices, toasted or not, and spread with butter.