Autumn Apple Muffins with Cinnamon Butter

Autumn Apple Muffins with Cinnamon Butter (adapted slightly from The English Kitchen)

300g self raising flour* (2 cups)

1/2 tsp baking soda

1 tsp ground cinnamon

1/2 tsp ground allspice

2 large eggs, beaten

75ml of plain Greek yogurt (1/2 cup)

100ml of milk (scant 1/2 cup)

115g of soft light brown sugar (1/2 cup packed)

6 TBS sunflower/vegetable oil

2 eating apples, peeled, cored and finely chopped

For the cinnamon butter:

4 ounces butter, at room temperature (1/2 cup)

60g of icing sugar, sifted (1/3 cup)

1 tsp of ground cinnamon

Preheat the oven to 200*C/400*F/ gas mark 6. Butter a 12 hole muffin pan, or line with paper liners. Set aside.

Whisk the flour, soda and spices together in a large bowl. Whisk together the eggs, yogurt, milk, brown sugar, oil and chopped apple in another bowl.

Fold this into the dry mixture, mixing together only until the dry ingredients are evenly moistened. Lumps are fine. Muffin batter should be lumpy! Spoon big dollops into the prepared muffin pan. Sprinkle tops with brown sugar (optional!)

Bake for about 20 minutes, until well risen and golden. Leave to cool in the pan for several minutes before scooping out to a wire rack to cool.

Meanwhile, beat together the butter, sugar and cinnamon for the cinnamon butter. Serve the muffins warm with the cinnamon butter for spreading