Classic Rice Pudding

Classic Rice Pudding

1 can (5 oz) evaporated milk

2 c whole milk

1/2 c sugar

1 Tb cornstarch

1/4 tsp salt

2 cups cooked white rice

1/2 cup raisins (optional)

2 eggs, well-beaten in a medium mixing bowl

1/4 tsp nutmeg

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp vanilla

Combine milk and evaporated milk in a medium saucepan and scald over medium heat. (To scald means to heat the milk until almost boiling, just until it starts to bubble around the edges)

Whisk sugar, salt and cornstarch together in a medium bowl. Add to the milk right as it starts to bubble around the edges. Continue to cook over medium heat, whisking constantly, until thick and smooth. Stir in the rice and raisins and bring to boil, still on medium heat.

Slowly add about half the creamy rice mixture to the eggs, stirring briskly while you pour. This will raise the temperature of the eggs so they don't curdle as soon as you add them to the hot pudding. Add egg/rice mixture to saucepan, stir in vanilla and spices, and continue to stir over medium heat until thickened. Serve warm or cold, top with more raisins or cream.