Install C++ Tester


1.Create database

         - change local dir to:  /home/"username"

         - create a directory:   mkdir mt4db2

         - download EURUSD data from:


         - extract data to: /home/"username"/mt4db2

         - change local dir to: /home/"username"/mt4db2

         - create 'cdb' subdirectory: mkdir cdb

         - move database files to 'cdb' subdirectory:

            mv *.cdb cdb

            mv *.cdx cdb

         - after this in /home/"username"/mt4db2/cdb directory you have this files:






            and in /home/"username"/mt4db2 directory:


          - unpack the following archive without directory in cdb subfolder:



          - optional you can download *.hst data from FXDD:


            and extract archives to:


2.Download the source

        - download source from:

        - extract source to directory: /home/"username"/cpp

        - the tester source you can find in directory: /home/"username"/cpp/tinycdb

        - install mingw32 and Code::Blocks for linux with Synoptic Package Manager

        - Open in Code::Blocks: {Settings} {Compiler and Debugger settings}


            - Select the GNU GCC compiler and click the Copy button

            - Enter the new compiler's name: mingw32_compiler


            - Click the Compiler tab and then click the #defines tab.

            - Add the following:








            -Click the Linker tab and the following under "Other Linker Options":




















        - Click the Directories tab and the Compiler tab:


        - open workspace tinycdb1.workspace with Code::Blocks IDE 

        - go to mt4 project and file and change the

            _db_             = "/home/barnix/mt4db2";

            _db_             = "/home/barnix/mt5db";


            _db_             = "/home/"username"/mt4db2";  

            _db_             = "/home/"username"/mt5db";

        - Click the Directories tab and the Linker tab:


        - Click the Directories tab and the Resource Compiler tab:


        - Click the Toolchain executables tab:

C compiler: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc

C++ compiler: i586-mingw32msvc-g++

Linker for dynamic libs: i586-mingw32msvc-g++

Linker for static libs: i586-mingw32msvc-ar

Debugger: i586-mingw32msvc-gdb   


        - rebuild workspave : {Build} {Rebuild Workspace}

INSTALL ON WINDOWS (Not Recommanded)

0.First install 7-Zip and Far Manager.

1.Create database   

         - change local dir to:  C:\Users\"username"

         - create a directory:   md mt4db2

         - download EURUSD data from:


         - extract data to:  C:\Users\"username"\mt4db2

         - change local dir to:  C:\Users\"username"\mt4db2

         - create 'cdb' subdirectory: md cdb

         - move database files to 'cdb' subdirectory:

            move *.cdb cdb

            move *.cdx cdb

         - after this in  C:\Users\"username"\mt4db2\cdb directory you have this files:






            and in C:\Users\"username"\mt4db2 directory:


          - unpack the following archive without directory in C:\Users\"username"\mt4db2\cdb directory:



          - optional you can download *.hst data from FXDD:


            and extract archives to:



2.Download the source

        - download source from:

        - create the cpp subdir from directory:C:\Users\"username"

            md cpp

        - extract source to directory: C:\Users\"username"\cpp

        - the tester source you can find in directory: C:\Users\"username"\cpp\tinycdb

            - rebuild workspave : {Build} {Rebuild Workspace} (and correct the debugs)