
Creating the configure.php files

Two files need to be created on the server. These are the configure.php files that identify the settings of your particular server and the location of the files that you just loaded. After they have been created, you will then need to change the permissions on these files.

NOTE: Changing permissions can be done via your FTP program with the chmod feature. Usually clicking right on a directory or filename will open a menu with this option (perhaps under "Properties")

On the server locate the file: /catalog/includes/dist-configure.php

Rename this file to configure.php and change the permissions to 777 (read-write-execute for all)

Next, on the server locate the file: /catalog/admin/includes/dist-configure.php

Rename this file to configure.php and change the permissions to 777 (read-write-execute for all)

NOTE FOR IIS USERS: If using IIS for Windows hosting, the "chmod 777" idea for permissions settings is likely foreign to you. In IIS, under Windows, you need to right-click on the file (or folders in the next section below), and choose Properties. Then under the Security tab, ensure that the"Internet Guest Account", identified usually as: MACHINE_NAME\IUSR_MACHINE_NAME ... has at least "read" and "write" privileges... likely best to give "modify" as well. This should be done on each file/folder indicated. (If the IUSR_MACHINE_NAME account isn't listed, click "Add" and add that account from the list, and then set the required permissions.) (Note: "_MACHINE_NAME" above refers to the "machine name" or "computer name" configured by the server administrator to "name" the server.)

Set Permissions on folders

Now, change the permissions on the following directories to 777 (read/write/execute).








Note: open the catalog/images directory and change all of the subdirectories and their subdirectories to 777 as well. For example :


















Other folders/files

As for other folders and files, depending on your webserver configuration, they can be set to:

- folders: CHMOD 755     ("CHMOD" is a linux/unix term for setting/changing permission levels) 

- files: CHMOD 644

These are typically the defaults that your FTP program will use when uploading, so usually do not need to be set manually.

mv ./includes/dist-configure.php ./includes/configure.php

mv ./admin/includes/dist-configure.php ./admin/includes/configure.php

chmod 777 ./includes/configure.php

chmod 777 ./admin/includes/configure.php

chmod 777 ./cache

chmod 777 ./images

chmod 777 ./includes/languages/english/html_includes

chmod 777 ./media

chmod 777 ./pub

chmod 777 ./admin/backups

chmod 777 ./admin/images/graphs

chmod 777 ./images/3ds

chmod 777 ./images/attributes

chmod 777 ./images/banners

chmod 777 ./images/categories

chmod 777 ./images/dvd

chmod 777 ./images/gift_certificates

chmod 777 ./images/gt_interactive

chmod 777 ./images/hewlett_packard

chmod 777 ./images/icons

chmod 777 ./images/large

chmod 777 ./images/manufacturers

chmod 777 ./images/matrox

chmod 777 ./images/medium

chmod 777 ./images/microsoft

chmod 777 ./images/samples

chmod 777 ./images/sierra

chmod 777 ./images/uploads