Double pole balacing

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* Double pole balacing                                               */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

//Perform evolution on double pole balacing, for gens generations

//If velocity is false, then velocity information will be withheld from the 

//network population (non-Markov)

Population *pole2_test(int gens,int velocity) {

    Population *pop;

    Genome *start_genome;

    char curword[20];

    int id;

    ostringstream *fnamebuf;

    int gen;

    CartPole *thecart;

    //Stat collection variables

    int highscore;

    int record[NEAT::num_runs][1000];

    double recordave[1000];

    int genesrec[NEAT::num_runs][1000];

    double genesave[1000];

    int nodesrec[NEAT::num_runs][1000];

    double nodesave[1000];

    int winnergens[NEAT::num_runs];

    int initcount;

    int champg, champn, winnernum;  //Record number of genes and nodes in champ

    int run;

    int curtotal; //For averaging

    int samples;  //For averaging

    ofstream oFile("statout",ios::out);



    //Initialize the stat recording arrays

    for (initcount=0;initcount<200;initcount++) {




      for (run=0;run<NEAT::num_runs;++run) {






    char *non_markov_starter="pole2startgenes2";

    char *markov_starter="pole2startgenes1";

    char *startstring;

    if (velocity==0) startstring=non_markov_starter;

    else if (velocity==1) startstring=markov_starter;

    ifstream iFile(startstring,ios::in);

    //ifstream iFile("pole2startgenes",ios::in);


    if (!velocity)

      cout<<"NO VELOCITY INPUT"<<endl;

    cout<<"Reading in the start genome"<<endl;

    //Read in the start Genome



    cout<<"Reading in Genome id "<<id<<endl;

    start_genome=new Genome(id,iFile);


    cout<<"Start Genome: "<<start_genome<<endl;

    for (run=0;run<NEAT::num_runs;run++) {


      cout<<"RUN #"<<run<<endl;

      //Spawn the Population from starter gene

      cout<<"Spawning Population off Genome"<<endl;

      pop=new Population(start_genome,NEAT::pop_size);


      //Alternative way to start off of randomly connected genomes

      //pop=new Population(pop_size,7,1,10,false,0.3);

      cout<<"Verifying Spawned Pop"<<endl;



      //Create the Cart

      thecart=new CartPole(true,velocity);


      for (gen=1;gen<=gens;gen++) {

cout<<"Epoch "<<gen<<endl;

fnamebuf=new ostringstream();

(*fnamebuf)<<"gen_"<<gen<<ends;  //needs end marker


cout<<"name of fname: "<<fnamebuf->str()<<endl;


char temp[50];

        sprintf (temp, "gen_%d", gen);

highscore=pole2_epoch(pop,gen,temp,velocity, thecart,champg,champn,winnernum,oFile);

//highscore=pole2_epoch(pop,gen,fnamebuf->str(),velocity, thecart,champg,champn,winnernum,oFile);  

//cout<<"GOT HIGHSCORE FOR GEN "<<gen<<": "<<highscore-1<<endl;





delete fnamebuf;

//Stop right at the winnergen

if (((pop->winnergen)!=0)&&(gen==(pop->winnergen))) {




//In non-MARKOV, stop right at winning (could go beyond if desired)

if ((!(thecart->MARKOV))&&((pop->winnergen)!=0))



      cout<<"gen = "<<gen<<" gens = "<<gens<<endl;


      if (gen==(gens-1)) oFile<<"FAIL: Last gen on run "<<run<<endl;



      if (run<NEAT::num_runs-1) delete pop;

      delete thecart;


    cout<<"Generation highs: "<<endl;

    oFile<<"Generation highs: "<<endl;

    for(gen=0;gen<=gens-1;gen++) {


      for (run=0;run<NEAT::num_runs;++run) {

if (record[run][gen]>0) {

 cout<<setw(8)<<record[run][gen]<<" ";

 oFile<<setw(8)<<record[run][gen]<<" ";



else {

 cout<<"         ";

 oFile<<"         ";



recordave[gen]=(double) curtotal/NEAT::num_runs;





    cout<<"Generation genes in champ: "<<endl;

    for(gen=0;gen<=gens-1;gen++) {



      for (run=0;run<NEAT::num_runs;++run) {

if (genesrec[run][gen]>0) {

 cout<<setw(4)<<genesrec[run][gen]<<" ";

 oFile<<setw(4)<<genesrec[run][gen]<<" ";




else {

 cout<<setw(4)<<"     ";

 oFile<<setw(4)<<"     ";



      genesave[gen]=(double) curtotal/samples;




    cout<<"Generation nodes in champ: "<<endl;

    oFile<<"Generation nodes in champ: "<<endl;

    for(gen=0;gen<=gens-1;gen++) {



      for (run=0;run<NEAT::num_runs;++run) {

if (nodesrec[run][gen]>0) {

 cout<<setw(4)<<nodesrec[run][gen]<<" ";

 oFile<<setw(4)<<nodesrec[run][gen]<<" ";




else {

 cout<<setw(4)<<"     ";

 oFile<<setw(4)<<"     ";



      nodesave[gen]=(double) curtotal/samples;




    cout<<"Generational record fitness averages: "<<endl;

    oFile<<"Generational record fitness averages: "<<endl;

    for(gen=0;gen<gens-1;gen++) {




    cout<<"Generational number of genes in champ averages: "<<endl;

    oFile<<"Generational number of genes in champ averages: "<<endl;

    for(gen=0;gen<gens-1;gen++) {




    cout<<"Generational number of nodes in champ averages: "<<endl;

    oFile<<"Generational number of nodes in champ averages: "<<endl;

    for(gen=0;gen<gens-1;gen++) {




    cout<<"Winner evals: "<<endl;

    oFile<<"Winner evals: "<<endl;



    for (run=0;run<NEAT::num_runs;++run) {






    cout<<"Average # evals: "<<((double) curtotal/samples)<<endl;

    oFile<<"Average # evals: "<<((double) curtotal/samples)<<endl;


    return pop;


//This is used for list sorting of Species by fitness of best organism

//highest fitness first

//Used to choose which organism to test

//bool order_new_species(Species *x, Species *y) {


//  return (x->compute_max_fitness() > 

//  y->compute_max_fitness());


int pole2_epoch(Population *pop,int generation,char *filename,bool velocity,

CartPole *thecart,int &champgenes,int &champnodes,

int &winnernum, ofstream &oFile) {

  //char cfilename[100];

  //strncpy( cfilename, filename.c_str(), 100 );

  //ofstream cfilename(filename.c_str());

  vector<Organism*>::iterator curorg;

  vector<Species*>::iterator curspecies;

  vector<Species*> sorted_species;  //Species sorted by max fit org in Species

  int pause;

  bool win=false;

  double champ_fitness;

  Organism *champ;

  //double statevals[5]={-0.9,-0.5,0.0,0.5,0.9};

  double statevals[5]={0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95};

  int s0c,s1c,s2c,s3c;

  int score;



  //Evaluate each organism on a test

  for(curorg=(pop->organisms).begin();curorg!=(pop->organisms).end();++curorg) {

    //shouldn't happen

    if (((*curorg)->gnome)==0) {

      cout<<"ERROR EMPTY GEMOME!"<<endl;



    if (pole2_evaluate((*curorg),velocity,thecart)) win=true;


  //Average and max their fitnesses for dumping to file and snapshot

  for(curspecies=(pop->species).begin();curspecies!=(pop->species).end();++curspecies) {

    //This experiment control routine issues commands to collect ave

    //and max fitness, as opposed to having the snapshot do it, 

    //because this allows flexibility in terms of what time

    //to observe fitnesses at




  //Take a snapshot of the population, so that it can be

  //visualized later on

  //if ((generation%1)==0)

  //  pop->snapshot();

  //Find the champion in the markov case simply for stat collection purposes

  if (thecart->MARKOV) {


    for(curorg=(pop->organisms).begin();curorg!=(pop->organisms).end();++curorg) {

      if (((*curorg)->fitness)>champ_fitness) {









  //Check for winner in Non-Markov case

  if (!(thecart->MARKOV)) {


    cout<<"Non-markov case"<<endl;

    //Sort the species

    for(curspecies=(pop->species).begin();curspecies!=(pop->species).end();++curspecies) {




    std::sort(sorted_species.begin(), sorted_species.end(), NEAT::order_new_species);

    //std::sort(sorted_species.begin(), sorted_species.end(), order_species);

    cout<<"Number of species sorted: "<<sorted_species.size()<<endl;

    //First update what is checked and unchecked

    for(curspecies=sorted_species.begin();curspecies!=sorted_species.end();++curspecies) {

      if (((*curspecies)->compute_max_fitness())>((*curspecies)->max_fitness_ever))



    //Now find a species that is unchecked


    cout<<"Is the first species checked? "<<(*curspecies)->checked<<endl;




      cout<<"Species #"<<(*curspecies)->id<<" is checked"<<endl;



    if (curspecies==(sorted_species.end())) curspecies=sorted_species.begin();

    //Remember it was checked


    cout<<"Is the species now checked? "<<(*curspecies)->checked<<endl;

    //Extract the champ

    cout<<"Champ chosen from Species "<<(*curspecies)->id<<endl;



    cout<<"Champ is organism #"<<champ->gnome->genome_id<<endl;

    cout<<"Champ fitness: "<<champ_fitness<<endl;



    //Now check to make sure the champ can do 100,000



    //The champ needs tp be flushed here because it may have

    //leftover activation from its last test run that could affect

    //its recurrent memory




    if (pole2_evaluate(champ,velocity,thecart)) {

      cout<<"The champ passed the 100,000 test!"<<endl;


      //Given that the champ passed, now run it on generalization tests


      for (s0c=0;s0c<=4;++s0c)

for (s1c=0;s1c<=4;++s1c)

 for (s2c=0;s2c<=4;++s2c)

   for (s3c=0;s3c<=4;++s3c) {

     thecart->state[0] = statevals[s0c] * 4.32 - 2.16;

     thecart->state[1] = statevals[s1c] * 2.70 - 1.35;

     thecart->state[2] = statevals[s2c] * 0.12566304 - 0.06283152;

     /* 0.06283152 =  3.6 degrees */

     thecart->state[3] = statevals[s3c] * 0.30019504 - 0.15009752;

     /* 00.15009752 =  8.6 degrees */




     cout<<"On combo "<<thecart->state[0]<<" "<<thecart->state[1]<<" "<<thecart->state[2]<<" "<<thecart->state[3]<<endl;



     (champ->net)->flush();  //Reset the champ for each eval

     if (pole2_evaluate(champ,velocity,thecart)) {

cout<<"----------------------------The champ passed its "<<score<<"th test"<<endl;





      if (score>=200) {

cout<<"The champ wins!!! (generalization = "<<score<<" )"<<endl;

oFile<<"(generalization = "<<score<<" )"<<endl;

oFile<<"generation= "<<generation<<endl;








      else {

cout<<"The champ couldn't generalize"<<endl;

champ->fitness=champ_fitness; //Restore the champ's fitness



    else {

      cout<<"The champ failed the 100,000 test :("<<endl;

      cout<<"made score "<<champ->fitness<<endl;

      champ->fitness=champ_fitness; //Restore the champ's fitness




  //Only print to file every print_every generations

  if  (win||

       ((generation%(NEAT::print_every))==0)) {

    cout<<"printing file: "<<filename<<endl;



  if ((win)&&((pop->winnergen)==0)) pop->winnergen=generation;

  //Prints a champion out on each generation

  //IMPORTANT: This causes generational file output!


  //Create the next generation


  return (int) champ_fitness;


bool pole2_evaluate(Organism *org,bool velocity, CartPole *thecart) {

  Network *net;

  int thresh;  /* How many visits will be allowed before giving up 

 (for loop detection)  NOW OBSOLETE */

  int pause;


  thresh=100;  //this is obsolete

  //DEBUG :  Check flushedness of org


  //Try to balance a pole now

  org->fitness = thecart->evalNet(net,thresh);


  if (org->pop_champ_child)

    cout<<" <<DUPLICATE OF CHAMPION>> ";

  //Output to screen

  cout<<"Org "<<(org->gnome)->genome_id<<" fitness: "<<org->fitness;

  cout<<" ("<<(org->gnome)->genes.size();

  cout<<" / "<<(org->gnome)->nodes.size()<<")";

  cout<<"   ";

  if (org->mut_struct_baby) cout<<" [struct]";

  if (org->mate_baby) cout<<" [mate]";



  if ((!(thecart->generalization_test))&&(!(thecart->nmarkov_long)))

  if (org->pop_champ_child) {



    if (org->high_fit>org->fitness) {

      cout<<"ALERT: ORGANISM DAMAGED"<<endl;





  //Decide if its a winner, in Markov Case

  if (thecart->MARKOV) {

    if (org->fitness>=(thecart->maxFitness-1)) { 


      return true;


    else {


      return false;



  //if doing the long test non-markov 

  else if (thecart->nmarkov_long) {

    if (org->fitness>=99999) { 

      //if (org->fitness>=9000) { 


      return true;


    else {


      return false;



  else if (thecart->generalization_test) {

    if (org->fitness>=999) {


      return true;


    else {


      return false;



  else {


    return false;  //Winners not decided here in non-Markov



CartPole::CartPole(bool randomize,bool velocity)


  maxFitness = 100000;


  MIN_INC = 0.001;

  POLE_INC = 0.05;

  MASS_INC = 0.01;

  LENGTH_2 = 0.05;

  MASSPOLE_2 = 0.01;

  // CartPole::reset() which is called here


//Faustino Gomez wrote this physics code using the differential equations from 

//Alexis Weiland's paper and added the Runge-Kutta himself.

double CartPole::evalNet(Network *net,int thresh)


  int steps=0;

  double input[NUM_INPUTS];

  double output;

  int nmarkovmax;  

  double nmarkov_fitness;

  double jiggletotal; //total jiggle in last 100

  int count;  //step counter

  //init(randomize); // restart at some point


  if (nmarkov_long) nmarkovmax=100000;

  else if (generalization_test) nmarkovmax=1000;

  else nmarkovmax=1000;


  if (MARKOV) {

    while (steps++ < maxFitness) {



      input[0] = state[0] / 4.8;

      input[1] = state[1] /2;

      input[2] = state[2]  / 0.52;

      input[3] = state[3] /2;

      input[4] = state[4] / 0.52;

      input[5] = state[5] /2;

      input[6] = .5;




      //Activate the net

      //If it loops, exit returning only fitness of 1 step

      if (!(net->activate())) return 1.0;






      if (outsideBounds()) // if failure

break; // stop it now


    return (double) steps;


  else {  //NON MARKOV CASE

    while (steps++ < nmarkovmax) {


     //Do special parameter summing on last hundred

     //if ((steps==900)&&(!nmarkov_long)) last_hundred=true;


     input[0] = state[0] / 4.8;

     input[1] = 0.0;

     input[2] = state[2]  / 0.52;

     input[3] = 0.0;

     input[4] = state[4] / 0.52;

     input[5] = 0.0;

     input[6] = .5;


      //cout<<"nmarkov_long: "<<nmarkov_long<<endl;

      //if (nmarkov_long)

      //cout<<"step: "<<steps<<endl;

     input[0] = state[0] / 4.8;

     input[1] = state[2]  / 0.52;

     input[2] = state[4] / 0.52;

     input[3] = .5;



      //cout<<"inputs: "<<input[0]<<" "<<input[1]<<" "<<input[2]<<" "<<input[3]<<endl;

      //Activate the net

      //If it loops, exit returning only fitness of 1 step

      if (!(net->activate())) return 0.0001;



      //cout<<"output: "<<output<<endl;


      if (outsideBounds()) // if failure

break; // stop it now

      if (nmarkov_long&&(outsideBounds())) // if failure

break; // stop it now


   //If we are generalizing we just need to balance it a while

   if (generalization_test)

     return (double) balanced_sum;


   //Sum last 100

   if ((steps>100)&&(!nmarkov_long)) {


     cout<<"step "<<steps-99-2<<" to step "<<steps-2<<endl;

     //Adjust for array bounds and count

     for (count=steps-99-2;count<=steps-2;count++)



   if (!nmarkov_long) {

     if (balanced_sum>100) 

       nmarkov_fitness=((0.1*(((double) balanced_sum)/1000.0))+


     else nmarkov_fitness=(0.1*(((double) balanced_sum)/1000.0));


     cout<<"Balanced:  "<<balanced_sum<<" jiggle: "<<jiggletotal<<" ***"<<endl;


     return nmarkov_fitness;


   else return (double) steps;



void CartPole::init(bool randomize)


  static int first_time = 1;

  if (!MARKOV) {

    //Clear all fitness records






  balanced_sum=0; //Always count # balanced


  /*if (randomize) {

    state[0] = (lrand48()%4800)/1000.0 - 2.4;

    state[1] = (lrand48()%2000)/1000.0 - 1;

    state[2] = (lrand48()%400)/1000.0 - 0.2;

    state[3] = (lrand48()%400)/1000.0 - 0.2;

    state[4] = (lrand48()%3000)/1000.0 - 1.5;

    state[5] = (lrand48()%3000)/1000.0 - 1.5;


  else {*/

  if (!generalization_test) {

    state[0] = state[1] = state[3] = state[4] = state[5] = 0;

    state[2] = 0.07; // one_degree;


  else {

    state[4] = state[5] = 0;




    cout<<"Initial Long pole angle = %f\n"<<state[2]<<endl;;

    cout<<"Initial Short pole length = %f\n"<<LENGTH_2<<endl;

    first_time = 0;



void CartPole::performAction(double output, int stepnum)


  int i;

  double  dydx[6];

  const bool RK4=true; //Set to Runge-Kutta 4th order integration method

  const double EULER_TAU= TAU/4;


  /*random start state for long pole*/

  /*state[2]= drand48();   */


  /*--- Apply action to the simulated cart-pole ---*/



      dydx[0] = state[1];

      dydx[2] = state[3];

      dydx[4] = state[5];








      state[0] += EULER_TAU * dydx[0];

      state[1] += EULER_TAU * dydx[1];

      state[2] += EULER_TAU * dydx[2];

      state[3] += EULER_TAU * dydx[3];

      state[4] += EULER_TAU * dydx[4];

      state[5] += EULER_TAU * dydx[5];



  //Record this state





  if (stepnum<=1000)


  if (false) {

    //cout<<"[ x: "<<state[0]<<" xv: "<<state[1]<<" t1: "<<state[2]<<" t1v: "<<state[3]<<" t2:"<<state[4]<<" t2v: "<<state[5]<<" ] "<<


    if (!(outsideBounds())) {

      if (balanced_sum<1000) {





    else {

      if (balanced_sum==1000)


      else balanced_sum=0;



  else if (!(outsideBounds()))



void CartPole::step(double action, double *st, double *derivs)


    double force,costheta_1,costheta_2,sintheta_1,sintheta_2,


    force =  (action - 0.5) * FORCE_MAG * 2;

    costheta_1 = cos(st[2]);

    sintheta_1 = sin(st[2]);

    gsintheta_1 = GRAVITY * sintheta_1;

    costheta_2 = cos(st[4]);

    sintheta_2 = sin(st[4]);

    gsintheta_2 = GRAVITY * sintheta_2;


    ml_1 = LENGTH_1 * MASSPOLE_1;

    ml_2 = LENGTH_2 * MASSPOLE_2;

    temp_1 = MUP * st[3] / ml_1;

    temp_2 = MUP * st[5] / ml_2;

    fi_1 = (ml_1 * st[3] * st[3] * sintheta_1) +

           (0.75 * MASSPOLE_1 * costheta_1 * (temp_1 + gsintheta_1));

    fi_2 = (ml_2 * st[5] * st[5] * sintheta_2) +

           (0.75 * MASSPOLE_2 * costheta_2 * (temp_2 + gsintheta_2));

    mi_1 = MASSPOLE_1 * (1 - (0.75 * costheta_1 * costheta_1));

    mi_2 = MASSPOLE_2 * (1 - (0.75 * costheta_2 * costheta_2));


    derivs[1] = (force + fi_1 + fi_2)

                 / (mi_1 + mi_2 + MASSCART);


    derivs[3] = -0.75 * (derivs[1] * costheta_1 + gsintheta_1 + temp_1)

                 / LENGTH_1;

    derivs[5] = -0.75 * (derivs[1] * costheta_2 + gsintheta_2 + temp_2)

                  / LENGTH_2;


void CartPole::rk4(double f, double y[], double dydx[], double yout[])


int i;

double hh,h6,dym[6],dyt[6],yt[6];



for (i=0;i<=5;i++) yt[i]=y[i]+hh*dydx[i];


dyt[0] = yt[1];

dyt[2] = yt[3];

dyt[4] = yt[5];

for (i=0;i<=5;i++) yt[i]=y[i]+hh*dyt[i];


dym[0] = yt[1];

dym[2] = yt[3];

dym[4] = yt[5];

for (i=0;i<=5;i++) {


dym[i] += dyt[i];



dyt[0] = yt[1];

dyt[2] = yt[3];

dyt[4] = yt[5];

for (i=0;i<=5;i++)



bool CartPole::outsideBounds()


  const double failureAngle = thirty_six_degrees; 


    state[0] < -2.4              || 

    state[0] > 2.4               || 

    state[2] < -failureAngle     ||

    state[2] > failureAngle      ||

    state[4] < -failureAngle     ||

    state[4] > failureAngle;  


void CartPole::nextTask()


   LENGTH_2 += POLE_INC;   /* LENGTH_2 * INCREASE;   */


   //  ++new_task;

   cout<<"#Pole Length %2.4f\n"<<LENGTH_2<<endl;


void CartPole::simplifyTask()


  if(POLE_INC > MIN_INC) {






    cout<<"#Pole Length %2.4f\n"<<LENGTH_2;




      cout<<"#NO TASK CHANGE\n"<<endl;

