Real-time NEAT Validation

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/* Real-time NEAT Validation                                          */

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//Perform evolution on double pole balacing using rtNEAT methods calls

//Always uses Markov case (i.e. velocities provided)

//This test is meant to validate the rtNEAT methods and show how they can be used instead

// of the usual generational NEAT

Population *pole2_test_realtime() {

    Population *pop;

    Genome *start_genome;

    char curword[20];

    int id;

    ostringstream *fnamebuf;

    int gen;

    CartPole *thecart;

    double highscore;

    ifstream iFile("pole2startgenes1",ios::in);


    cout<<"Reading in the start genome"<<endl;

    //Read in the start Genome



    cout<<"Reading in Genome id "<<id<<endl;

    start_genome=new Genome(id,iFile);


    cout<<"Start Genome: "<<start_genome<<endl;

    //Spawn the Population from starter gene

    cout<<"Spawning Population off Genome"<<endl;

    pop=new Population(start_genome,NEAT::pop_size);


    //Alternative way to start off of randomly connected genomes

    //pop=new Population(pop_size,7,1,10,false,0.3);

    cout<<"Verifying Spawned Pop"<<endl;



    //Create the Cart

    thecart=new CartPole(true,1);


    //Start the evolution loop using rtNEAT method calls 


    return pop;


int pole2_realtime_loop(Population *pop, CartPole *thecart) {

  vector<Organism*>::iterator curorg;

  vector<Species*>::iterator curspecies;

  vector<Species*>::iterator curspec; //used in printing out debug info                                                         

  vector<Species*> sorted_species;  //Species sorted by max fit org in Species                                                  

  int pause;

  bool win=false;

  double champ_fitness;

  Organism *champ;

  //double statevals[5]={-0.9,-0.5,0.0,0.5,0.9};                                                                              

  double statevals[5]={0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95};

  int s0c,s1c,s2c,s3c;

  int score;

  //Real-time evolution variables                                                                                             

  int offspring_count;

  Organism *new_org;



  //We try to keep the number of species constant at this number                                                    

  int num_species_target=NEAT::pop_size/15;


  //This is where we determine the frequency of compatibility threshold adjustment

  int compat_adjust_frequency = NEAT::pop_size/10;

  if (compat_adjust_frequency < 1)

    compat_adjust_frequency = 1;

  //Initially, we evaluate the whole population                                                                               

  //Evaluate each organism on a test                                                                                          

  for(curorg=(pop->organisms).begin();curorg!=(pop->organisms).end();++curorg) {

    //shouldn't happen                                                                                                        

    if (((*curorg)->gnome)==0) {

      cout<<"ERROR EMPTY GEMOME!"<<endl;



    if (pole2_evaluate((*curorg),1,thecart)) win=true;


  //Get ready for real-time loop

  //Rank all the organisms from best to worst in each species


  //Assign each species an average fitness 

  //This average must be kept up-to-date by rtNEAT in order to select species probabailistically for reproduction


  //Now create offspring one at a time, testing each offspring,                                                               

  // and replacing the worst with the new offspring if its better

  for (offspring_count=0;offspring_count<20000;offspring_count++) {


    //Every pop_size reproductions, adjust the compat_thresh to better match the num_species_targer

    //and reassign the population to new species                                              

    if (offspring_count % compat_adjust_frequency == 0) {

      int num_species = pop->species.size();

      double compat_mod=0.1;  //Modify compat thresh to control speciation                                                     

      // This tinkers with the compatibility threshold 

      if (num_species < num_species_target) {

NEAT::compat_threshold -= compat_mod;


      else if (num_species > num_species_target)

NEAT::compat_threshold += compat_mod;

      if (NEAT::compat_threshold < 0.3)

NEAT::compat_threshold = 0.3;

      cout<<"compat_thresh = "<<NEAT::compat_threshold<<endl;

      //Go through entire population, reassigning organisms to new species                                                  

      for (curorg = (pop->organisms).begin(); curorg != pop->organisms.end(); ++curorg) {





    //For printing only

    for(curspec=(pop->species).begin();curspec!=(pop->species).end();curspec++) {

      cout<<"Species "<<(*curspec)->id<<" size"<<(*curspec)->organisms.size()<<" average= "<<(*curspec)->average_est<<endl;


    cout<<"Pop size: "<<pop->organisms.size()<<endl;

    //Here we call two rtNEAT calls: 

    //1) choose_parent_species() decides which species should produce the next offspring

    //2) reproduce_one(...) creates a single offspring fromt the chosen species


    //Now we evaluate the new individual

    //Note that in a true real-time simulation, evaluation would be happening to all individuals at all times.

    //That is, this call would not appear here in a true online simulation.

    cout<<"Evaluating new baby: "<<endl;

    if (pole2_evaluate(new_org,1,thecart)) win=true;

    if (win) {





    //Now we reestimate the baby's species' fitness


    //Remove the worst organism                                                                                               


