

Copyright (C) 2011 Luca Donati (





 *  Created on: Jan 10, 2011

 *      Author: donati


#include "CudaErrorFunctions.cuh"

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <cublas.h>

#define BLOCKSIZE 512

#define WARP_SIZE 32

__global__ void error(float * c, const float * a, const float * b, const int number, const int actFunc, const int errorFunc){

//global thread index

const int g_tid = BLOCKSIZE * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;


float error=(a[g_tid]-b[g_tid])/spanS(actFunc);




//computes the error function for (number) elements of (a)-(b) and store the results in (c)

void computeError(float * c, const float * a, const float * b, const int number, const int actFunc, const int errorFunc){

int numBlocks = number/BLOCKSIZE+1;

error<<<numBlocks, BLOCKSIZE>>>(c,a,b,number,actFunc,errorFunc);


//computes the total mse for (number) elements of (desired)-(neurons)

float mseError(const float * desired, float * neurons, const int number, const int actFunc){

int numBlocks = number/BLOCKSIZE+1;

error<<<numBlocks, BLOCKSIZE>>>(neurons,desired,neurons,number,actFunc,ERROR_LINEAR);

//does the product of each member then sums them all and divides for number

return cublasSdot(number, neurons, 1, neurons, 1)/(float)number;


__global__ void maxes(const int nOfInst, const int nOfOut, const float * neurons, int * indexes){

extern __shared__ float sdata[];

float *sidx = sdata + BLOCKSIZE;

const int tid = threadIdx.x; // thread index

const int thread_lane = tid & (WARP_SIZE-1); // thread index within the warp

const int g_tid = BLOCKSIZE * blockIdx.x + tid; // global thread index

const int g_warp_id = g_tid / WARP_SIZE; // global warp index

const int offset=g_warp_id*nOfOut;

//loading in shared data of values


//loading in shared data of indexes



//some sequential reduction (suggested to maximize the throughput)

for(unsigned int i = thread_lane+WARP_SIZE ; i < nOfOut ; i += WARP_SIZE){

float aux=neurons[offset+i];

if(sdata[tid] < aux){sdata[tid]=aux;sidx[tid]=i;}


//parallel reduction of both the value and the index

if (thread_lane < 16){

if(sdata[tid] < sdata[tid+16]){sdata[tid]=sdata[tid+16];sidx[tid]=sidx[tid+16];}

if(sdata[tid] < sdata[tid+8]){sdata[tid]=sdata[tid+8];sidx[tid]=sidx[tid+8];}

if(sdata[tid] < sdata[tid+4]){sdata[tid]=sdata[tid+4];sidx[tid]=sidx[tid+4];}

if(sdata[tid] < sdata[tid+2]){sdata[tid]=sdata[tid+2];sidx[tid]=sidx[tid+2];}

if(sdata[tid] < sdata[tid+1]){sdata[tid]=sdata[tid+1];sidx[tid]=sidx[tid+1];}


//return the best neuron index

if (thread_lane == 0){





//find the (indexes) of the max values of each row of a set of (neurons), divided in rows(nOfOut) and columns(nOfInst)

void computeMaxes(const int nOfInst, const int nOfOut, const float * neurons, int * indexes){

int numBlocks = nOfInst / (BLOCKSIZE/WARP_SIZE)+1;

int smemSize = 2 * BLOCKSIZE  * sizeof(float);

maxes<<<numBlocks, BLOCKSIZE,smemSize>>>(nOfInst, nOfOut, neurons, indexes);


__global__ void addMom(float * weights, float * oldWeights,const int number, const float momentum){

//global thread index

const int g_tid = BLOCKSIZE * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;

const float weight=weights[g_tid];






//adds to (number) elements of (weights) the difference between (weights) and (oldWeights) multiplied with (momentum). also update (oldWeights)

void addMomentum(float * weights, float * oldWeights,const int number, const float momentum){

int numBlocks = number/BLOCKSIZE+1;

addMom<<<numBlocks, BLOCKSIZE>>>(weights,oldWeights,number,momentum);


__global__ void trMatrix(const int x, const int y, const float * in, float * out){

//global thread index

const int g_tid = BLOCKSIZE * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;





//translate a matrix x-y (rows large (x) and columns high (y)) to one y-x

void translateMatrix(const int x, const int y, const float * in, float * out){

int numBlocks = (x*y)/BLOCKSIZE+1;

trMatrix<<<numBlocks, BLOCKSIZE>>>(x,y,in,out);
