iterator.hh modification

/* iterator.hh

 * This file is part of cdbxx library

 * Copyright (c) 2004 by Stanislav Ievlev


 * This file is covered by the GNU Library General Public License,

 * which should be included with libcdbxx as the file COPYING.




#include <iterator>

extern "C"


#include <cdb.h>


#include <cdbxx/data.hh>

namespace cdbxx



     * forward walking database iterator


    class iterator: public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, data_pair>


        static const size_t cdbi_size = sizeof(cdbi_t);


        iterator(mem_pos pos = 0,bool fill = true);  /**< start iterator with appropriate offset in the database file*/

        iterator& operator++(); /**< prefix operator */

        iterator operator++(int);

        iterator& operator--(); /**< prefix operator */

        iterator operator--(int);

        iterator& operator+=(int j);

        iterator& operator-=(int j);

        bool equal(const iterator& other) const;

        const data_pair& operator*() const;

        const data_pair* operator->() const;


        void fill_pair(); /**< fill internal storage with current data */

        mem_pos pos_; /**< current position in the file before database record */

        cdbi_t keylen_; /**< length of the current key */

        cdbi_t valuelen_; /**< length of the current value */

        data_pair pair_;/**< temporary internal storage of current data pair */


    inline bool operator==(const iterator& lhs, const iterator& rhs)


        return lhs.equal(rhs);


    inline bool operator!=(const iterator& lhs, const iterator& rhs)


        return !(lhs.equal(rhs));


