Google Adsense Blog Farms

Blog Farms

This technique involves setting up blogs with links to your AdSense

sites. You could either install WordPress on your own host or use free

blog services like, LiveJournal or to

achieve this goal. After that, use either RSS to Blog or SEOBlogBuilder

to post links to your blog farms overtime. (see illustration below)

I suggest that getting a few low priced hosting packages setup (say

$5/month) making note that they all have different IP addresses.

Then, create WordPress or remotely hosted Blogger blogs. (Do not use

blogs hosted by because they will quickly take your blogs

down once you deploy this maneuver).

If you go with WordPress, use AutoSocialPoster to make your blog

farms stronger. Now, if you think the blog farm illustration you just

saw was complex, check this one out!

Now, imagine the illustration above, but multiplied by 1000!

I use WordPress Super Installer to install and manage thousands of

WordPress blog farms. Note that I did not say thousands of blogs. I

said thousands of blog farms. Using Wordpress Super Installer, they

span across many different web hosting services and I am not required

to upload the WordPress script one by one! You can also easily

manage all your blogs, make changes across only certain sets of blogs,

and more with just a few clicks.