Compiling HyperNEAT

Re: compiling Hyperneat on Linux

Hey there,

You should start by building the zlib library included with the source code. To

build the included zlib, do this:

cd /(the source root directory)/zlib

mkdir build/linux_release

cd build/linux_release

cmake -i ../../

(enter Release for the build type)


Then, to build tinyxmldll, do this:

cd /(the source root directory)/tinyxmldll

mkdir build/linux_release

cd build/linux_release

cmake -i ../../

(enter Release for the build type)


Then to build HyperNEAT:

cd /(the source root directory)/NE/HyperNEAT

mkdir build/linux_release

cd build/linux_release

cmake -i ../../

(enter Release for the build type)


Check out the README.txt file included with the source code, at the bottom it

has step-by-step build instructions.