Debug 2

MT4:  double  aTrade[][MAX_FIELDS]


vector<int>       aTrade0;//PROP_Ticket=0

vector<int>       aTrade1;//PROP_OpenDT=1

vector<int>       aTrade2;//PROP_Type=2 (int cmd)

vector<double>    aTrade3;//PROP_Lots=3 (double volume)

vector<double>    aTrade4;//PROP_OpenPrice=4 (double price)

vector<double>    aTrade5;//PROP_SL=5 (double stoploss)

vector<double>    aTrade6;//PROP_TP=6 (double takeprofit)

vector<int>       aTrade7;//PROP_Magic=7 (int magic)

vector<double>    aTrade8;//PROP_ExpDT=8 (int expiration)

vector<double>    aTrade9;//PROP_ClosePrice=9

vector<int>       aTrade10;//PROP_CloseDT=10

vector<double>    aTrade11;//PROP_Profit=11

vector<int>       aTrade12;//PROP_LastRecalcDT=12

vector<double>    aTrade13;//PROP_MaxDD=13

vector<double>    aTrade14;//PROP_MaxProfit=14

MT4:  double  aHistory[][MAX_FIELDS]


vector<int>       aHistory0;//PROP_Ticket=0

vector<int>       aHistory1;//PROP_OpenDT=1

vector<int>       aHistory2;//PROP_Type=2 (int cmd)

vector<double>    aHistory3;//PROP_Lots=3 (double volume)

vector<double>    aHistory4;//PROP_OpenPrice=4 (double price)

vector<double>    aHistory5;//PROP_SL=5 (double stoploss)

vector<double>    aHistory6;//PROP_TP=6 (double takeprofit)

vector<int>       aHistory7;//PROP_Magic=7 (int magic)

vector<double>    aHistory8;//PROP_ExpDT=8 (int expiration)

vector<double>    aHistory9;//PROP_ClosePrice=9

vector<int>       aHistory10;//PROP_CloseDT=10

vector<double>    aHistory11;//PROP_Profit=11

vector<int>       aHistory12;//PROP_LastRecalcDT=12

vector<double>    aHistory13;//PROP_MaxDD=13

vector<double>    aHistory14;//PROP_MaxProfit=14

int _aHistory_cnt_;//ArrayResize_aHistory()

int _aHistory_p_; //OrderSelect()

#include "main.hpp"

int main()



    int pos1 = 10;

    int pos2 = 100;

    int i;

    string symbol=_Sym_[11];//EURUSD

    int cmd= OP_BUY;

    int SP=MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_SPREAD);

    int TP=50;

    int SL=50;

    double Point=MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_POINT);;

    double Bid1=iClose(symbol,PERIOD_M1,pos1);

    double Bid2=iClose(symbol,PERIOD_M1,pos2);

    int time1 = iTime(symbol,PERIOD_M1,pos1);

    int time2 = iTime(symbol,PERIOD_M1,pos2);

    double Spread=SP*Point;

    double Ask1=Bid1+Spread;

    double Ask2=Bid2+Spread;

    double price1=Ask1;

    double price2=Ask2;

    int slippage=3;

    double stoploss1=Ask1-SL*Point;

    double takeprofit1=Ask1+TP*Point;

    double stoploss2=Ask2-SL*Point;

    double takeprofit2=Ask2+TP*Point;

    double volume=0.1;

    string comment="Buy Order";

    int magic=0;

    int expiration=0;

    cout << "OrdersTotal()="<< OrdersTotal() << endl;

    int r1=OrderSend(symbol, cmd, volume, price1, slippage, stoploss1, takeprofit1, comment, magic, expiration);

    cout << r1 << " OrdersTotal()="<< OrdersTotal() << endl;

    int r2=OrderSend(symbol, cmd, volume, price2, slippage, stoploss2, takeprofit2, comment, magic, expiration);

    cout << r2 << " OrdersTotal()="<< OrdersTotal() << endl;


    cout << endl;


extern vector<int>      aTrade0;//PROP_Ticket=0

extern vector<int>      aTrade1;//PROP_OpenDT=1

extern vector<int>      aTrade2;//PROP_Type=2 (int cmd)

extern vector<double>   aTrade3;//PROP_Lots=3 (double volume)

extern vector<double>   aTrade4;//PROP_OpenPrice=4 (double price)

extern vector<double>   aTrade5;//PROP_SL=5 (double stoploss)

extern vector<double>   aTrade6;//PROP_TP=6 (double takeprofit)

extern vector<int>      aTrade7;//PROP_Magic=7 (int magic)

extern vector<double>   aTrade8;//PROP_ExpDT=8 (int expiration)

extern vector<double>   aTrade9;//PROP_ClosePrice=9

extern vector<int>      aTrade10;//PROP_CloseDT=10

extern vector<double>   aTrade11;//PROP_Profit=11

extern vector<int>      aTrade12;//PROP_LastRecalcDT=12

extern vector<double>   aTrade13;//PROP_MaxDD=13

extern vector<double>   aTrade14;//PROP_MaxProfit=14


    int  ord = 1;

    OrderSelect( ord, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES);

    cout << "_aTrade_p_=" << _aTrade_p_ << " Order Pos = " << pos1 << "  Order Time = " << time1 << endl;

    cout << "AccountCurrency()=" << AccountCurrency()   << endl;

    cout << aTrade0[ord-1] << " OrderTicket()=" << OrderTicket()  << endl;

    cout << aTrade1[ord-1] << " OrderOpenTime()=" << OrderOpenTime() << endl;

    cout << aTrade2[ord-1] << " OrderType()=" << OrderType() << endl;

    cout << aTrade3[ord-1] << " OrderLots()=" << OrderLots() << endl;

    cout << aTrade4[ord-1] << " OrderOpenPrice()=" << OrderOpenPrice() << endl;

    cout << aTrade5[ord-1] << " OrderStopLoss()=" << OrderStopLoss() << endl;

    cout << aTrade6[ord-1] << " OrderTakeProfit()=" << OrderTakeProfit() << endl;

    cout << aTrade7[ord-1] << " OrderMagicNumber()=" << OrderMagicNumber() << endl;

    cout << aTrade8[ord-1] << " OrderExpiration()=" << OrderExpiration() << endl;

    cout << aTrade9[ord-1] << " OrderClosePrice()=" << OrderClosePrice() << endl;

    cout << aTrade10[ord-1] << " OrderCloseTime()=" << OrderCloseTime() << endl;

    cout << aTrade11[ord-1] << " OrderProfit()=" << OrderProfit() << endl;

    cout << aTrade_strings0[ord-1] << " OrderSymbol()=" << OrderSymbol() << endl;

    cout << aTrade_strings1[ord-1] << " OrderComment()=" << OrderComment() << endl;

    cout << endl;


    ord = 2;

    OrderSelect( ord, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES);

    cout << "_aTrade_p_=" << _aTrade_p_ << " Order Pos = " << pos2 << "  Order Time = " << time2 << endl;

    cout << " AccountCurrency()=" << AccountCurrency()   << endl;

    cout << aTrade0[ord-1] << " OrderTicket()=" << OrderTicket()  << endl;

    cout << aTrade1[ord-1] << " OrderOpenTime()=" << OrderOpenTime() << endl;

    cout << aTrade2[ord-1] << " OrderType()=" << OrderType() << endl;

    cout << aTrade3[ord-1] << " OrderLots()=" << OrderLots() << endl;

    cout << aTrade4[ord-1] << " OrderOpenPrice()=" << OrderOpenPrice() << endl;

    cout << aTrade5[ord-1] << " OrderStopLoss()=" << OrderStopLoss() << endl;

    cout << aTrade6[ord-1] << " OrderTakeProfit()=" << OrderTakeProfit() << endl;

    cout << aTrade7[ord-1] << " OrderMagicNumber()=" << OrderMagicNumber() << endl;

    cout << aTrade8[ord-1] << " OrderExpiration()=" << OrderExpiration() << endl;

    cout << aTrade9[ord-1] << " OrderClosePrice()=" << OrderClosePrice() << endl;

    cout << aTrade10[ord-1] << " OrderCloseTime()=" << OrderCloseTime() << endl;

    cout << aTrade11[ord-1] << " OrderProfit()=" << OrderProfit() << endl;

    cout << aTrade_strings0[ord-1] << " OrderSymbol()=" << OrderSymbol() << endl;

    cout << aTrade_strings1[ord-1] << " OrderComment()=" << OrderComment() << endl;

    cout << endl;


    cout << " OrdersTotal()="<< OrdersTotal() << endl;

    cout << " OrdersHistoryTotal()="<< OrdersHistoryTotal() << endl;






    else if(OrderType()==OP_SELL)


    cout << " OrdersTotal()="<< OrdersTotal() << endl;

    cout << " OrdersHistoryTotal()="<< OrdersHistoryTotal() << endl;






    else if(OrderType()==OP_SELL)


    cout << " OrdersTotal()="<< OrdersTotal() << endl;

    cout << " OrdersHistoryTotal()="<< OrdersHistoryTotal() << endl;



    cout << endl;


    OrderSelect( ord, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_HISTORY);

    cout << aHistory0[ord-1] << " OrderTicket()=" << OrderTicket()  << endl;

    cout << aHistory1[ord-1] << " OrderOpenTime()=" << OrderOpenTime() << endl;

    cout << aHistory2[ord-1] << " OrderType()=" << OrderType() << endl;

    cout << aHistory3[ord-1] << " OrderLots()=" << OrderLots() << endl;

    cout << aHistory4[ord-1] << " OrderOpenPrice()=" << OrderOpenPrice() << endl;

    cout << aHistory5[ord-1] << " OrderStopLoss()=" << OrderStopLoss() << endl;

    cout << aHistory6[ord-1] << " OrderTakeProfit()=" << OrderTakeProfit() << endl;

    cout << aHistory7[ord-1] << " OrderMagicNumber()=" << OrderMagicNumber() << endl;

    cout << aHistory8[ord-1] << " OrderExpiration()=" << OrderExpiration() << endl;

    cout << aHistory9[ord-1] << " OrderClosePrice()=" << OrderClosePrice() << endl;

    cout << aHistory10[ord-1] << " OrderCloseTime()=" << OrderCloseTime() << endl;

    cout << aHistory11[ord-1] << " OrderProfit()=" << OrderProfit() << endl;

    cout << aHistory_strings0[ord-1] << " OrderSymbol()=" << OrderSymbol() << endl;

    cout << aHistory_strings1[ord-1] << " OrderComment()=" << OrderComment() << endl;

    cout << endl;



    OrderSelect( ord, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_HISTORY);

    cout << aHistory0[ord-1] << " OrderTicket()=" << OrderTicket()  << endl;

    cout << aHistory1[ord-1] << " OrderOpenTime()=" << OrderOpenTime() << endl;

    cout << aHistory2[ord-1] << " OrderType()=" << OrderType() << endl;

    cout << aHistory3[ord-1] << " OrderLots()=" << OrderLots() << endl;

    cout << aHistory4[ord-1] << " OrderOpenPrice()=" << OrderOpenPrice() << endl;

    cout << aHistory5[ord-1] << " OrderStopLoss()=" << OrderStopLoss() << endl;

    cout << aHistory6[ord-1] << " OrderTakeProfit()=" << OrderTakeProfit() << endl;

    cout << aHistory7[ord-1] << " OrderMagicNumber()=" << OrderMagicNumber() << endl;

    cout << aHistory8[ord-1] << " OrderExpiration()=" << OrderExpiration() << endl;

    cout << aHistory9[ord-1] << " OrderClosePrice()=" << OrderClosePrice() << endl;

    cout << aHistory10[ord-1] << " OrderCloseTime()=" << OrderCloseTime() << endl;

    cout << aHistory11[ord-1] << " OrderProfit()=" << OrderProfit() << endl;

    cout << aHistory_strings0[ord-1] << " OrderSymbol()=" << OrderSymbol() << endl;

    cout << aHistory_strings1[ord-1] << " OrderComment()=" << OrderComment() << endl;

    cout << endl;


    //cout << "aTrade0[0]" << endl;

    //cout << aTrade0[0] << endl; //PROP_Ticket=0

    //cout << "OrdersHistoryTotal()="<< OrdersHistoryTotal() << endl;

    return 0;


int _aTrade_cnt_;//AccountBalance()

int _aTrade_p_; //OrderSelect()

int _aTrade_CurrentDT_;


int aHistory.cnt = 0;

int aHistory.p=-1; //pointer position in the array of current orders



int aTrade.cnt = 0;

int aTrade.p=-1;  //pointer position in the array of current orders
