Time series access modified 2

#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>

#include <string>

#include <vector>

#include <sstream>

#include <algorithm>

#include <stdexcept>

#include <cstdio>

#include "cdbxx/db.hh"

#include "cdbxx/map.hh"

#define EMPTY_VALUE    0x7FFFFFFF    //Default custom indicator empty value.

//Timeframe of the chart (chart period). It can be any of the following values:

#define PERIOD_M1    1        //1 minute.

#define PERIOD_M5    5        //5 minutes.

#define PERIOD_M15    15        //15 minutes.

#define PERIOD_M30    30        //30 minutes.

#define PERIOD_H1    60        //1 hour.

#define PERIOD_H4    240        //4 hour.

#define PERIOD_D1    1440    //Daily.

#define PERIOD_W1    10080    //Weekly.

#define PERIOD_MN1    43200    //Monthly.

//Market information identifiers, used with MarketInfo() function.

//It can be any of the following values:

#define MODE_LOW                   1    //Low day price.

#define MODE_HIGH                  2    //High day price.

#define MODE_TIME                  5    //The last incoming tick time (last known server time).

#define MODE_BID                   9    //Last incoming bid price. For the current symbol, it is stored in the predefined variable Bid

#define MODE_ASK                  10    //Last incoming ask price. For the current symbol, it is stored in the predefined variable Ask

#define MODE_POINT                11    //Point size in the quote currency. For the current symbol, it is stored in the predefined variable Point

#define MODE_DIGITS               12    //Count of digits after decimal point in the symbol prices. For the current symbol, it is stored in the predefined variable Digits

#define MODE_SPREAD               13    //Spread value in points.

#define MODE_STOPLEVEL            14    //Stop level in points.

#define MODE_LOTSIZE              15    //Lot size in the base currency.

#define MODE_TICKVALUE            16    //Tick value in the deposit currency.

#define MODE_TICKSIZE             17    //Tick size in points.

#define MODE_SWAPLONG             18    //Swap of the long position.

#define MODE_SWAPSHORT            19    //Swap of the short position.

#define MODE_STARTING             20    //Market starting date (usually used for futures).

#define MODE_EXPIRATION           21    //Market expiration date (usually used for futures).

#define MODE_TRADEALLOWED         22    //Trade is allowed for the symbol.

#define MODE_MINLOT               23    //Minimum permitted amount of a lot.

#define MODE_LOTSTEP              24    //Step for changing lots.

#define MODE_MAXLOT               25    //Maximum permitted amount of a lot.

#define MODE_SWAPTYPE             26    //Swap calculation method. 0 - in points; 1 - in the symbol base currency; 2 - by interest; 3 - in the margin currency.

#define MODE_PROFITCALCMODE       27    //Profit calculation mode. 0 - Forex; 1 - CFD; 2 - Futures.

#define MODE_MARGINCALCMODE       28    //Margin calculation mode. 0 - Forex; 1 - CFD; 2 - Futures; 3 - CFD for indices.

#define MODE_MARGININIT           29    //Initial margin requirements for 1 lot.

#define MODE_MARGINMAINTENANCE    30    //Margin to maintain open positions calculated for 1 lot.

#define MODE_MARGINHEDGED         31    //Hedged margin calculated for 1 lot.

#define MODE_MARGINREQUIRED       32    //Free margin required to open 1 lot for buying.

#define MODE_FREEZELEVEL          33    //Order freeze level in points. If the execution price lies within the range defined by the freeze level, the order cannot be modified, cancelled or closed.

#define NR_OF_SYMBOLS   20

#define NR_OF_PERIODS   9

using namespace std;

string  _Symbol_;

int     _Period_;

string  _history_;

string  _marketinfo_;

string _Symbol[NR_OF_SYMBOLS];

int    _Period[NR_OF_PERIODS];

void init_mt4();

string symbol_filename(string symbol, int timeframe);

int iTime( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift);

double iClose( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift);

double iHigh( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift);

double iLow( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift);

double iOpen( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift);

double iVolume( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift);

double iField_d( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift, int field);

vector<int> vTime( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift, int nr);

vector<double> vClose( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift, int nr);

vector<double> vHigh( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift, int nr);

vector <double> vLow( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift, int nr);

vector<double> vOpen( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift, int nr);

vector<double> vVolume( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift, int nr);

vector<double> vField_d( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift, int nr, int field);

int iBars( string symbol, int timeframe);

//int iHighest(      string symbol, int timeframe, int type, int count=WHOLE_ARRAY, int start=0);

//int iLowest(      string symbol, int timeframe, int type, int count=WHOLE_ARRAY, int start=0);


int iBarShift(      string symbol, int timeframe, datetime time, bool exact=false);

Search for bar by open time. The function returns bar shift with the open time specified. If the bar having the specified open time is missing, the function will return -1 or the nearest bar shift depending on the exact.


    symbol         -       Symbol the data of which should be used to calculate indicator. NULL means the current symbol.

    timeframe     -       Timeframe. It can be any of Timeframe enumeration values. 0 means the current chart timeframe.

    time         -       value to find (bar's open time).

    exact         -       Return mode when bar not found. false - iBarShift returns nearest. true - iBarShift returns -1.


  datetime some_time=D'2004.03.21 12:00';

  int      shift=iBarShift("EUROUSD",PERIOD_M1,some_time);

  Print("shift of bar with open time ",TimeToStr(some_time)," is ",shift);



double iMA(      string symbol, int timeframe, int period, int ma_shift, int ma_method, int applied_price, int shift)

Calculates the Moving average indicator and returns its value.


    symbol       -       Symbol the data of which should be used to calculate indicator. NULL means the current symbol.

timeframe       -       Timeframe. It can be any of Timeframe enumeration values. 0 means the current chart timeframe.

    period       -       Averaging period for calculation.

ma_shift       -       MA shift. Indicators line offset relate to the chart by timeframe.

ma_method       -       MA method. It can be any of the Moving Average method enumeration value.

applied_price -       Applied price. It can be any of Applied price enumeration values.

    shift       -       Index of the value taken from the indicator buffer (shift relative to the current bar the given amount of periods ago).



MODE_SMA    0    Simple moving average,

MODE_EMA    1    Exponential moving average,

MODE_SMMA    2    Smoothed moving average,

MODE_LWMA    3    Linear weighted moving average.

PRICE_CLOSE    0    Close price.

PRICE_OPEN    1    Open price.

PRICE_HIGH    2    High price.

PRICE_LOW    3    Low price.

PRICE_MEDIAN    4    Median price, (high+low)/2.

PRICE_TYPICAL    5    Typical price, (high+low+close)/3.

PRICE_WEIGHTED    6    Weighted close price, (high+low+close+close)/4.



//|                                                                  |


int main()



    int i;

    string symbol = "EURUSD";

    int period = PERIOD_M5;

    vector<int> vtime1;

    vector<double> vopen1;

    vector<double> vclose1;

    vector<double> vhigh1;

    vector<double> vlow1;

    vector<double> vvol1;

    vector<int> vtime2;

    vector<double> vopen2;

    vector<double> vclose2;

    vector<double> vhigh2;

    vector<double> vlow2;

    vector<double> vvol2;

    int shift=1;

    int nr=5;

    vtime1  = vTime(symbol, period, shift,nr);

    vopen1  = vClose(symbol, period, shift, nr);

    vclose1 = vClose(symbol, period, shift, nr);

    vhigh1  = vHigh(symbol, period, shift, nr);

    vlow1   = vLow(symbol, period, shift, nr);

    vvol1   = vVolume(symbol, period, shift, nr);

    int nr1=-5;

    vtime2  = vTime(symbol, period, shift,nr1);

    vopen2  = vClose(symbol, period, shift, nr1);

    vclose2 = vClose(symbol, period, shift, nr1);

    vhigh2  = vHigh(symbol, period, shift, nr1);

    vlow2   = vLow(symbol, period, shift, nr1);

    vvol2   = vVolume(symbol, period, shift, nr1);

    for (i=0; i<5; i++) cout << shift << "-" << i << " "

    << vtime2[i] << ","

    << vopen2[i] << ","

    << vclose2[i] << ","

    << vhigh2[i] << ","

    << vlow2[i] << ","

    << vvol2[i] << ","

     << endl;

     cout << endl;

    for (i=0; i<5; i++) cout << shift << "+" << i << " "

    << vtime1[i] << ","

    << vopen1[i] << ","

    << vclose1[i] << ","

    << vhigh1[i] << ","

    << vlow1[i] << ","

    << vvol1[i] << ","

     << endl;

     cout << endl;

    int shift2=0;//300000;

    int nr2=10;



      int    time1  = iTime(symbol, period, i);

      double open1  = iClose(symbol, period, i);

      double close1 = iClose(symbol, period, i);

      double high1  = iHigh(symbol, period, i);

      double low1   = iLow(symbol, period, i);

      double vol1   = iVolume(symbol, period, i);

      cout << i << " " << time1 << "," << open1 << "," << close1 << "," << high1 << "," << low1 << "," << vol1 << endl;


    int bars1 = iBars(symbol, period);

    cout << "Bars: " << bars1 << endl;

    return 0;



//|                                                                  |


string timeframe_to_str(int timeframe)




        case PERIOD_M1:

          return "1";


        case PERIOD_M5:

          return "5";


        case PERIOD_M15:

          return "15";


        case PERIOD_M30:

          return "30";


        case PERIOD_H1:

          return "60";


        case PERIOD_H4:

          return "240";


        case PERIOD_D1:

          return "1440";


        case PERIOD_W1:

          return "10080";


        case PERIOD_MN1:

          return "43200";



          return "1";





//|                                                                  |


string symbol_filename(string symbol, int timeframe)





//|                                                                  |


void init_mt4()






















  _Period[0]= PERIOD_M1;

  _Period[1]= PERIOD_M5;

  _Period[2]= PERIOD_M15;

  _Period[3]= PERIOD_M30;

  _Period[4]= PERIOD_H1;

  _Period[5]= PERIOD_H4;

  _Period[6]= PERIOD_D1;

  _Period[7]= PERIOD_W1;

  _Period[8]= PERIOD_MN1;

  _Symbol_     = _Symbol[11];

  _Period_     = _Period[0];

  _history_    = "/home/barnix/mt4db/cdb";

  _marketinfo_ = "/home/barnix/mt4db/Marketinfo.csv";



//|                                                                  |


int iBars( string symbol, int timeframe)


  static int d_bars;

  string db_name1=symbol_filename(symbol, timeframe);

  cdbxx::in_db open_database(db_name1);

  cdbxx::iterator it1 = open_database.begin();

  cdbxx::iterator it2 = open_database.end();

  d_bars = distance(it1,it2);




//|                                                                  |


double iField_d( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift, int field)


  static double d_field;

  string db_name1=symbol_filename(symbol, timeframe);

  cdbxx::in_db open_database(db_name1);

  cdbxx::iterator it1 = open_database.begin();


  cdbxx::vector<int> key(it1->first);

  cdbxx::vector<float> content(it1->second);





//|                                                                  |


vector<double> vField_d( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift, int nr, int field)


  static double d_field;

  vector<double> tmp;

  string db_name1=symbol_filename(symbol, timeframe);

  cdbxx::in_db open_database(db_name1);

  int i=0;


  cdbxx::iterator it1 = open_database.begin();


  while( true )


      cdbxx::vector<int> key(it1->first);

      cdbxx::vector<float> content(it1->second);

      if(nr >= 0)


        if(it1 != open_database.end())















        if(it1 != open_database.begin())













      if(i == nr ) break;





//|                                                                  |


int iTime( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift)


  static int i_time;

  string db_name1=symbol_filename(symbol, timeframe);

  cdbxx::in_db open_database(db_name1);

  cdbxx::iterator it1 = open_database.begin();


  cdbxx::vector<int> key(it1->first);

  cdbxx::vector<float> content(it1->second);





//|                                                                  |


vector<int> vTime( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift, int nr)


  int field = 0;

  static int i_time;

  vector<int> tmp;

  string db_name1=symbol_filename(symbol, timeframe);

  cdbxx::in_db open_database(db_name1);

  int i=0;


  cdbxx::iterator it1 = open_database.begin();


  while( true )


      cdbxx::vector<int> key(it1->first);

      cdbxx::vector<float> content(it1->second);

      if(nr >= 0)


        if(it1 != open_database.end())















        if(it1 != open_database.begin())













      if(i == nr ) break;





//|                                                                  |


double iOpen( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift)


  int field = 0;




//|                                                                  |


vector<double> vOpen( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift, int nr)


  int field = 0;




//|                                                                  |


double iLow( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift)


  int field = 1;




//|                                                                  |


vector<double> vLow( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift, int nr)


  int field = 1;




//|                                                                  |


double iHigh( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift)


  int field = 2;




//|                                                                  |


vector<double> vHigh( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift, int nr)


  int field = 2;




//|                                                                  |


double iClose( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift)


  int field = 3;




//|                                                                  |


vector<double> vClose( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift, int nr)


  int field = 3;




//|                                                                  |


double iVolume( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift)


  int field = 4;




//|                                                                  |


vector<double> vVolume( string symbol, int timeframe, int shift, int nr)


  int field = 4;

