
#include <FL/Fl.H>

#include <FL/Fl_Window.H>

#include <FL/Fl_Button.H>

#include <FL/Fl_Progress.H>

// Demonstrate progress bar in app window (windows|linux)

// erco 05/02/05

#ifdef _WIN32


#include <windows.h>

#define usleep(v) Sleep(v/1000)



#include <unistd.h>                     // usleep


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

// Button callback

void butt_cb(Fl_Widget *butt, void *data) {

    // Deactivate the button

    butt->deactivate();                 // prevent button from being pressed again

    Fl::check();                        // give fltk some cpu to gray out button

    // Make the progress bar

    Fl_Window *w = (Fl_Window*)data;    // access parent window

    w->begin();                         // add progress bar to it..

    Fl_Progress *progress = new Fl_Progress(10,50,200,30);

    progress->minimum(0);               // set progress bar attribs..


    w->end();                           // end of adding to window

    // Computation loop..

    for ( int t=1; t<=500; t++ ) {

        progress->value(t/500.0);       // update progress bar

        Fl::check();                    // give fltk some cpu to update the screen

        usleep(1000);                   // 'your stuff' that's compute intensive


    // Cleanup

    w->remove(progress);                // remove progress bar from window

    delete(progress);                   // deallocate it

    butt->activate();                   // reactivate button

    w->redraw();                        // tell window to redraw now that progress removed


int main()


    Fl_Window win(220,90);

    Fl_Button butt(10,10,100,25,"Press");

    butt.callback(butt_cb, &win);



