International Personal Current Account

UK bank accounts for non-residents

Connexion edition: October 2009

THE BRITISH Banking Association has launched an online service listing the UK banks that allow overseas residents to hold an account.

There is no legal restriction stopping banks accepting customers with foreign addresses, but the overwhelming majority of Britain’s 336 banks are unwilling to offer domestic banking services for residents who do not have an address in the UK because of concerns over fraud prevention and extra administrative costs.

Many of the problems that non-UK residents have are because of complex money-laundering regulations that were introduced in 1993.

Updates in 2003 and 2007 made banks look again at the non-resident business as they introduced more checks.

The BBA has recognised that there is a real problem for people wanting to invest in the UK.

At the moment, its account-finder service which can be found here only lists three banks accepting international customers: Barclays, HSBC and Lloyds TSB.


If you live permanently outside the UK the following products are available to you.


I don't know what this "Premier" account is, but ordinary HSBC current accounts are free (I've had one for 30+ years). Whether or not they will let you have one is another question, but as you are an existing customer it probably can't hurt to ask.

Thanks for a response and Thanks for Congratulations to Ukraine!

1. How long have you had the registered company ? - Company registered one month ago.

2. What is the line of business ? - (This is start-up) We developed web based application which will help professional merchants to sell their items on different sales platforms (Amazon, eBay).

3. Do you have residence here ? - I do not have residence in UK.

4. Does your company have a trading address here or are you using the services of a hoster for your registered office ? - I have virtual office address.