C++ Tester v1.0

Forex Tester Blog: 


Forex Forum: 


Download v 1.0:  https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B0PJ51qZTKX2N3RWLUw4c1VkSms


    -Trading functions


    -Debugging Trading functions

Download v 1.1: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B0PJ51qZTKX2UDBId3IzdzBNV0U


    -Marketinfo changed, new Ask symbols, DateTime functions, IsTestable function


    -Debugging Trading functions


.codeblocks            - default.conf (Code::Blocks configuration file)

cdb                        - cdb command line tool

cdblib                    - tinycdb lib v 0.77

cdblib_mingw32    - tinycdb lib v 0.77 for mingw32 compiler

cdblib_so               - shared library for tinycdb v 0.77 for python scripts

cdbxx                    - C++ wrapper for tinycdb lib

cdbxx_mingw32    - C++ wrapper for tinycdb lib for mingw32 compiler

cdbxx_test            - test program for C++ tinycdb

csv_to_cdb            - file conversion CSV to CDB

hst2csv_mingw32    - file conversion hst (Metatrader 4 file) to CSV file

mt4                        - MT4 functions lib

mt4_mingw32        - MT$ functions lib for mingw32 compiler

period_mult            - generate M5,H1,H4 data from M1 data

svmlib                    - libsvm 3.0

svmlib.py                - examples pythonscripts for libsvm 3.0

svmlib_so                -shared library for libsvm 3.0

test1_idx                - test program for database indexing 

test2_trading          - test program for trading

test3_random        - test program for random trading

tinycdb.py                - python script for shared library tinycdb v 0.77