Neural Net Pascal



// This is the source code for the Hopfield Net demonstration written in // C++. The simplest way to download this file is to go the // 'View Source Code' option of your browser and select the 'Save' option // from the file menu. It should run without any changes. // (Ignore the PRE and HTML above - they are just to ensure that your // browser doesn't mess around with the text formatting)  // The line below may come out wrongly. The symbol before the 'iostream' // should be the greater than sign #include <iostream.h>  const int MAX_CLASSES = 2;    // Max. number of input classes const int PATTERN_LENGTH = 8; // Max. number of 'bits' per pattern const int MAX_TIME = 10;      // Max. 'time steps' for convergence  // These arrays have 1 added to the limits as I prefer to count from 1 // rather than from 0  // This is the vocabulary of patterns which the inputs are compared to const int X[MAX_CLASSES+1][PATTERN_LENGTH+1] =   {{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},        // First row and column is dummy   {0,1,1,1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1},    // Represents ****....   {0,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,1,1,1}};   // Represents ....****  // t[i][j] = Connection weight from node i to node j int t[PATTERN_LENGTH+1][PATTERN_LENGTH+1]; int mu[MAX_TIME][PATTERN_LENGTH+1]; // Contains output of net at time 't'     // First index really does run from 0  void assign_connection_weights ()  { int sum;    for (int i = 1; i <= PATTERN_LENGTH; i++)    for (int j = 1; j <= PATTERN_LENGTH; j++)     if (i == j)      t[i][j] = 0;    // Weight=0 for connection from a node to itself     else      { sum = 0;        for (int s = 1; s <= MAX_CLASSES; s++)         sum += X[s][i] * X[s][j];        t[i][j] = sum;      }  }  // Get the user to type a test pattern using * to represent 1 and . to // represent -1. The pattern is read directly into the mu[0] slot of the // time array void get_test_pattern ()  { char s[PATTERN_LENGTH+2]; // 1 extra because of array indices starting                           // from 1 and 1 extra because of /0 character                           // at end    int valid;                 // Some compilers don't have a bool type    int i;    do     {       cout << "Please enter a pattern using * to represent 1 and  . to "            << "represent -1" << endl;       cout << "You should enter " << PATTERN_LENGTH            << " symbols and press Enter at the end." << endl;       cin >> s;       // Go through the string to make sure each symbol is either * or .       valid = 1;       // Assume valid until proven otherwise       // Translate string positions starting from 0 into mu       // positions starting from 1       for (i = 0; i < PATTERN_LENGTH; i++)        switch (s[i])         { case '*' : mu[0][i+1] = 1; break;           case '.' : mu[0][i+1] = -1; break;           default : valid = 0;         }     }    while (valid == 0);  }  // Write the values of the mu array for time slot tt using * and . void write_output (int tt)  { for (int i = 1; i <= PATTERN_LENGTH; i++) if (mu[tt][i] == 1)   cout << "*"; else   cout << "."; cout << endl;  }  // Iterate the net, moving from one time slot to another and printing out // the outputs at each stage void iterate ()  { int sum;    for (int tt = 1; tt <= MAX_TIME; tt++)  // Go through all time slots     { for (int j= 1; j <= PATTERN_LENGTH; j++)        { sum = 0;          for (int i = 1; i <= PATTERN_LENGTH; i++)           sum += t[i][j] * mu[tt-1][i];                // Now pass sum through hard-limiter so it is 1 or -1          if (sum > 0)           mu[tt][j] = 1;          else           mu[tt][j] = -1;        }       write_output(tt);     }  }  void main ()  { char k;    assign_connection_weights();    do     { get_test_pattern();       iterate();       cout << endl;       cout << "Would you like another go? (Press Y or N, then Enter) : ";       cin >> k;     }    while (k != 'Y' && k != 'N');  } //