EGG File format

Each basket data CSV file consists of a series of records, each identified by a type code in the first field of the record. Header records have unique item codes in the second field which identifies the value the remaining field(s) supply. Header records contain string comments which provide a primate-readable description of the value field.

Protocol Description: Type 10 Records

File Content: Type 11 Records

The date and time in the Start time (item 2) and End time (item 3) records is given as a decimal Unix time value (number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC not counting leap seconds). These records contain an additional fifth field which shows this time and date value as yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss to make it easier to identify the file.

Egg Column IDs: Type 12 Record

This record provides the egg IDs for the columns in the type 13 egg data records which follow. It also provides comments for the time fields in the data record. If expansion of the Unix time values in the data records has been suppressed, the label for that column in field 3 will be void.

Egg Data: Type 13 Records

The actual egg sample data appears in type 13 records, one for each second in the interval which the file spans (hence, the number of type 13 records is equal to theSeconds of data value provided in the type 11, item 4 record).

The sample data consists of the number of one bits observed by the egg in a trial ofTrials per sample (given by record type 10, item 4) made during the second indicated by field 2. Field 3 gives the date and time corresponding to the Unix time value in field 2 unless expansion of date and time has been suppressed, in which case field 3 will be void. (If you're going to process the CSV file with a program which understands Unix time values, suppressing the civil date and time expansion makes for smaller files which are quicker to generate and read.) The remainder of the record gives the results observed for each egg during that second, arranged in columns which correspond to the egg ID numbers given in corresponding fields of the type 12 record.

Missing data (where the basket has received no sample from a given egg for a given second) is represented by a void field. Be careful that your analysis program does not confuse a void field with a trial result of zero which is a possible (albeit improbable in the extreme) result. Note that missing data in the CSV file denotes a sample not received by the basket at the time the CSV file was generated. If an egg has actually collected a sample for a given second, but not yet reported it to the basket, the sample will appear in a CSV file generated after the basket receives the data from the egg. One record appears in the CSV file for every second in the interval it covers, even if data are missing for all eggs for that second.