
A NETWORK is a LIST of input NODEs and a LIST of output NODEs


#ifndef _NETWORK_H_

#define _NETWORK_H_

#include <algorithm>

#include <vector>

#include "neat.h"

#include "nnode.h"

namespace NEAT {

    class Genome;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 

// A NETWORK is a LIST of input NODEs and a LIST of output NODEs           

//   The point of the network is to define a single entity which can evolve

//   or learn on its own, even though it may be part of a larger framework 

class Network {

friend class Genome;



int numnodes; // The number of nodes in the net (-1 means not yet counted)

int numlinks; //The number of links in the net (-1 means not yet counted)

std::vector<NNode*> all_nodes;  // A list of all the nodes

std::vector<NNode*>::iterator input_iter;  // For GUILE network inputting  

void destroy();  // Kills all nodes and links within

void destroy_helper(NNode *curnode,std::vector<NNode*> &seenlist); // helper for above

void nodecounthelper(NNode *curnode,int &counter,std::vector<NNode*> &seenlist);

void linkcounthelper(NNode *curnode,int &counter,std::vector<NNode*> &seenlist);


Genome *genotype;  // Allows Network to be matched with its Genome

char *name; // Every Network or subNetwork can have a name

std::vector<NNode*> inputs;  // NNodes that input into the network

std::vector<NNode*> outputs; // Values output by the network

int net_id; // Allow for a network id

double maxweight; // Maximum weight in network for adaptation purposes

bool adaptable; // Tells whether network can adapt or not

// This constructor allows the input and output lists to be supplied

// Defaults to not using adaptation

Network(std::vector<NNode*> in,std::vector<NNode*> out,std::vector<NNode*> all,int netid);

//Same as previous constructor except the adaptibility can be set true or false with adaptval

Network(std::vector<NNode*> in,std::vector<NNode*> out,std::vector<NNode*> all,int netid, bool adaptval);

// This constructs a net with empty input and output lists

Network(int netid);

//Same as previous constructor except the adaptibility can be set true or false with adaptval

Network(int netid, bool adaptval);

// Copy Constructor

Network(const Network& network);


// Puts the network back into an inactive state

void flush();

// Verify flushedness for debugging

void flush_check();

// Activates the net such that all outputs are active

bool activate();

// Prints the values of its outputs

void show_activation();

void show_input();

// Add a new input node

void add_input(NNode*);

// Add a new output node

void add_output(NNode*);

// Takes an array of sensor values and loads it into SENSOR inputs ONLY

void load_sensors(double*);

void load_sensors(const std::vector<float> &sensvals);

// Takes and array of output activations and OVERRIDES the outputs' actual 

// activations with these values (for adaptation)

void override_outputs(double*);

// Name the network

void give_name(char*);

// Counts the number of nodes in the net if not yet counted

int nodecount();

// Counts the number of links in the net if not yet counted

int linkcount();

// This checks a POTENTIAL link between a potential in_node

// and potential out_node to see if it must be recurrent 

// Use count and thresh to jump out in the case of an infinite loop 

bool is_recur(NNode *potin_node,NNode *potout_node,int &count,int thresh); 

// Some functions to help GUILE input into Networks   

int input_start();

int load_in(double d);

// If all output are not active then return true

bool outputsoff();

// Just print connections weights with carriage returns

void print_links_tofile(char *filename);

int max_depth();


} // namespace NEAT



#include "network.h"

#include <iostream>

#include <sstream>

using namespace NEAT;

Network::Network(std::vector<NNode*> in,std::vector<NNode*> out,std::vector<NNode*> all,int netid) {




  name=0;   //Defaults to no name  ..NOTE: TRYING TO PRINT AN EMPTY NAME CAN CAUSE A CRASH






Network::Network(std::vector<NNode*> in,std::vector<NNode*> out,std::vector<NNode*> all,int netid, bool adaptval) {




  name=0;   //Defaults to no name  ..NOTE: TRYING TO PRINT AN EMPTY NAME CAN CAUSE A CRASH                                    






Network::Network(int netid) {

name=0; //Defaults to no name






Network::Network(int netid, bool adaptval) {

  name=0; //Defaults to no name                                                                                               






Network::Network(const Network& network)


std::vector<NNode*>::const_iterator curnode;

// Copy all the inputs

for(curnode = network.inputs.begin(); curnode != network.inputs.end(); ++curnode) {

NNode* n = new NNode(**curnode);




// Copy all the outputs

for(curnode = network.outputs.begin(); curnode != network.outputs.end(); ++curnode) {

NNode* n = new NNode(**curnode);





name = strdup(;


name = 0;

numnodes = network.numnodes;

numlinks = network.numlinks;

net_id = network.net_id;

adaptable = network.adaptable;


Network::~Network() {

if (name!=0)

delete [] name;

destroy();  // Kill off all the nodes and links


// Puts the network back into an initial state

void Network::flush() {

std::vector<NNode*>::iterator curnode;

for(curnode=outputs.begin();curnode!=outputs.end();++curnode) {




// Debugger: Checks network state

void Network::flush_check() {

std::vector<NNode*>::iterator curnode;

std::vector<NNode*>::iterator location;

std::vector<NNode*> seenlist;  //List of nodes not to doublecount

for(curnode=outputs.begin();curnode!=outputs.end();++curnode) {    

        location= std::find(seenlist.begin(),seenlist.end(),(*curnode));

if (location==seenlist.end()) {






// If all output are not active then return true

bool Network::outputsoff() {

std::vector<NNode*>::iterator curnode;

for(curnode=outputs.begin();curnode!=outputs.end();++curnode) {

if (((*curnode)->activation_count)==0) return true;


return false;


// Print the connections weights to a file separated by only carriage returns

void Network::print_links_tofile(char *filename) {

std::vector<NNode*>::iterator curnode;

std::vector<Link*>::iterator curlink;

    std::ofstream oFile(filename);

//Make sure it worked

//if (!oFile) {

// cerr<<"Can't open "<<filename<<" for output"<<endl;

//return 0;


for(curnode=all_nodes.begin();curnode!=all_nodes.end();++curnode) {

if (((*curnode)->type)!=SENSOR) {

for(curlink=((*curnode)->incoming).begin(); curlink!=((*curnode)->incoming).end(); ++curlink) {

                oFile << (*curlink)->in_node->node_id << " -> " <<( *curlink)->out_node->node_id << " : " << (*curlink)->weight << std::endl;

} // end for loop on links

} //end if

} //end for loop on nodes


} //print_links_tofile

// Activates the net such that all outputs are active

// Returns true on success;

bool Network::activate() {

std::vector<NNode*>::iterator curnode;

std::vector<Link*>::iterator curlink;

double add_amount;  //For adding to the activesum

bool onetime; //Make sure we at least activate once

int abortcount=0;  //Used in case the output is somehow truncated from the network

//cout<<"Activating network: "<<this->genotype<<endl;

//Keep activating until all the outputs have become active 

//(This only happens on the first activation, because after that they

// are always active)


while(outputsoff()||!onetime) {


if (abortcount==20) {

return false;

//cout<<"Inputs disconnected from output!"<<endl;


//std::cout<<"Outputs are off"<<std::endl;

// For each node, compute the sum of its incoming activation 

for(curnode=all_nodes.begin();curnode!=all_nodes.end();++curnode) {

//Ignore SENSORS

//cout<<"On node "<<(*curnode)->node_id<<endl;

if (((*curnode)->type)!=SENSOR) {


(*curnode)->active_flag=false;  //This will tell us if it has any active inputs

// For each incoming connection, add the activity from the connection to the activesum 

for(curlink=((*curnode)->incoming).begin();curlink!=((*curnode)->incoming).end();++curlink) {

//Handle possible time delays

if (!((*curlink)->time_delay)) {


if ((((*curlink)->in_node)->active_flag)||

(((*curlink)->in_node)->type==SENSOR)) (*curnode)->active_flag=true;


//std::cout<<"Node "<<(*curnode)->node_id<<" adding "<<add_amount<<" from node "<<((*curlink)->in_node)->node_id<<std::endl;


else {

//Input over a time delayed connection




} //End for over incoming links

} //End if (((*curnode)->type)!=SENSOR) 

} //End for over all nodes

// Now activate all the non-sensor nodes off their incoming activation 

for(curnode=all_nodes.begin();curnode!=all_nodes.end();++curnode) {

if (((*curnode)->type)!=SENSOR) {

//Only activate if some active input came in

if ((*curnode)->active_flag) {

//cout<<"Activating "<<(*curnode)->node_id<<" with "<<(*curnode)->activesum<<": ";

//Keep a memory of activations for potential time delayed connections



//If the node is being overrided from outside,

//stick in the override value

if ((*curnode)->overridden()) {

//Set activation to the override value and turn off override



else {

//Now run the net activation through an activation function

if ((*curnode)->ftype==SIGMOID)

(*curnode)->activation=NEAT::fsigmoid((*curnode)->activesum,4.924273,2.4621365);  //Sigmoidal activation- see comments under fsigmoid



//Increment the activation_count

//First activation cannot be from nothing!!







if (adaptable) {

 //std::cout << "ADAPTING" << std:endl;

 // ADAPTATION:  Adapt weights based on activations 

 for(curnode=all_nodes.begin();curnode!=all_nodes.end();++curnode) {

   //Ignore SENSORS


   //cout<<"On node "<<(*curnode)->node_id<<endl;


   if (((*curnode)->type)!=SENSOR) {


     // For each incoming connection, perform adaptation based on the trait of the connection 

     for(curlink=((*curnode)->incoming).begin();curlink!=((*curnode)->incoming).end();++curlink) {

if (((*curlink)->trait_id==2)||


   ((*curlink)->trait_id==4)) {


 //In the recurrent case we must take the last activation of the input for calculating hebbian changes

 if ((*curlink)->is_recurrent) {










 else { //non-recurrent case















} //end if (adaptable)

return true;  




// Note that checking networks for loops in general in not necessary

// and therefore I stopped writing this function

// Check Network for loops.  Return true if its ok, false if there is a loop.

//bool Network::integrity() {

//  std::vector<NNode*>::iterator curnode;

//  std::vector<std::vector<NNode*>*> paths;

//  int count;

//  std::vector<NNode*> *newpath;

//  std::vector<std::vector<NNode*>*>::iterator curpath;

//  for(curnode=outputs.begin();curnode!=outputs.end();++curnode) {

//    newpath=new std::vector<NNode*>();

//    paths.push_back(newpath);

//    if (!((*curnode)->integrity(newpath))) return false;

//  }

//Delete the paths now that we are done

//  curpath=paths.begin();

//  for(count=0;count<paths.size();count++) {

//    delete (*curpath);

//    curpath++;

//  }

//  return true;


// Prints the values of its outputs

void Network::show_activation() {

std::vector<NNode*>::iterator curnode;

int count;

//if (name!=0)

//  cout<<"Network "<<name<<" with id "<<net_id<<" outputs: (";

//else cout<<"Network id "<<net_id<<" outputs: (";


for(curnode=outputs.begin();curnode!=outputs.end();++curnode) {

//cout<<"[Output #"<<count<<": "<<(*curnode)<<"] ";





void Network::show_input() {

std::vector<NNode*>::iterator curnode;

int count;

//if (name!=0)

//  cout<<"Network "<<name<<" with id "<<net_id<<" inputs: (";

//else cout<<"Network id "<<net_id<<" outputs: (";


for(curnode=inputs.begin();curnode!=inputs.end();++curnode) {

//cout<<"[Input #"<<count<<": "<<(*curnode)<<"] ";





// Add an input

void Network::add_input(NNode *in_node) {



// Add an output

void Network::add_output(NNode *out_node) {



// Takes an array of sensor values and loads it into SENSOR inputs ONLY

void Network::load_sensors(double *sensvals) {

//int counter=0;  //counter to move through array

std::vector<NNode*>::iterator sensPtr;

for(sensPtr=inputs.begin();sensPtr!=inputs.end();++sensPtr) {

//only load values into SENSORS (not BIASes)

if (((*sensPtr)->type)==SENSOR) {






void Network::load_sensors(const std::vector<float> &sensvals) {

//int counter=0;  //counter to move through array

std::vector<NNode*>::iterator sensPtr;

std::vector<float>::const_iterator valPtr;

for(valPtr = sensvals.begin(), sensPtr = inputs.begin(); sensPtr != inputs.end() && valPtr != sensvals.end(); ++sensPtr, ++valPtr) {

//only load values into SENSORS (not BIASes)

if (((*sensPtr)->type)==SENSOR) {






// Takes and array of output activations and OVERRIDES 

// the outputs' actual activations with these values (for adaptation)

void Network::override_outputs(double* outvals) {

std::vector<NNode*>::iterator outPtr;

for(outPtr=outputs.begin();outPtr!=outputs.end();++outPtr) {





void Network::give_name(char *newname) {

char *temp;

char *temp2;

temp=new char[strlen(newname)+1];


if (name==0) name=temp;

else {


delete temp2;




// The following two methods recurse through a network from outputs

// down in order to count the number of nodes and links in the network.

// This can be useful for debugging genotype->phenotype spawning 

// (to make sure their counts correspond)

int Network::nodecount() {

int counter=0;

std::vector<NNode*>::iterator curnode;

std::vector<NNode*>::iterator location;

std::vector<NNode*> seenlist;  //List of nodes not to doublecount

for(curnode=outputs.begin();curnode!=outputs.end();++curnode) {

        location = std::find(seenlist.begin(),seenlist.end(),(*curnode));

if (location==seenlist.end()) {







return counter;


void Network::nodecounthelper(NNode *curnode,int &counter,std::vector<NNode*> &seenlist) {

std::vector<Link*> innodes=curnode->incoming;

std::vector<Link*>::iterator curlink;

std::vector<NNode*>::iterator location;

if (!((curnode->type)==SENSOR)) {

for(curlink=innodes.begin();curlink!=innodes.end();++curlink) {

            location= std::find(seenlist.begin(),seenlist.end(),((*curlink)->in_node));

if (location==seenlist.end()) {








int Network::linkcount() {

int counter=0;

std::vector<NNode*>::iterator curnode;

std::vector<NNode*> seenlist;  //List of nodes not to doublecount

for(curnode=outputs.begin();curnode!=outputs.end();++curnode) {




return counter;


void Network::linkcounthelper(NNode *curnode,int &counter,std::vector<NNode*> &seenlist) {

std::vector<Link*> inlinks=curnode->incoming;

std::vector<Link*>::iterator curlink;

std::vector<NNode*>::iterator location;

    location = std::find(seenlist.begin(),seenlist.end(),curnode);

if ((!((curnode->type)==SENSOR))&&(location==seenlist.end())) {


for(curlink=inlinks.begin();curlink!=inlinks.end();++curlink) {






// Destroy will find every node in the network and subsequently

// delete them one by one.  Since deleting a node deletes its incoming

// links, all nodes and links associated with a network will be destructed

// Note: Traits are parts of genomes and not networks, so they are not

//       deleted here

void Network::destroy() {

std::vector<NNode*>::iterator curnode;

std::vector<NNode*>::iterator location;

std::vector<NNode*> seenlist;  //List of nodes not to doublecount

// Erase all nodes from all_nodes list 

for(curnode=all_nodes.begin();curnode!=all_nodes.end();++curnode) {

delete (*curnode);


// ----------------------------------- 

//  OLD WAY-the old way collected the nodes together and then deleted them

//for(curnode=outputs.begin();curnode!=outputs.end();++curnode) {




//  location=find(seenlist.begin(),seenlist.end(),(*curnode));

//  if (location==seenlist.end()) {

//    seenlist.push_back(*curnode);

//    destroy_helper((*curnode),seenlist);

//  }


//Now destroy the seenlist, which is all the NNodes in the network

//for(curnode=seenlist.begin();curnode!=seenlist.end();++curnode) {

//  delete (*curnode);



void Network::destroy_helper(NNode *curnode,std::vector<NNode*> &seenlist) {

std::vector<Link*> innodes=curnode->incoming;

std::vector<Link*>::iterator curlink;

std::vector<NNode*>::iterator location;

if (!((curnode->type)==SENSOR)) {

for(curlink=innodes.begin();curlink!=innodes.end();++curlink) {

            location = std::find(seenlist.begin(),seenlist.end(),((*curlink)->in_node));

if (location==seenlist.end()) {







// This checks a POTENTIAL link between a potential in_node and potential out_node to see if it must be recurrent 

bool Network::is_recur(NNode *potin_node,NNode *potout_node,int &count,int thresh) {

std::vector<Link*>::iterator curlink;

++count;  //Count the node as visited

if (count>thresh) {

//cout<<"returning false"<<endl;

return false;  //Short out the whole thing- loop detected


if (potin_node==potout_node) return true;

else {

//Check back on all links...

for(curlink=(potin_node->incoming).begin();curlink!=(potin_node->incoming).end();curlink++) {

//But skip links that are already recurrent

//(We want to check back through the forward flow of signals only

if (!((*curlink)->is_recurrent)) {

if (is_recur((*curlink)->in_node,potout_node,count,thresh)) return true;



return false;



int Network::input_start() {


return 1;


int Network::load_in(double d) {



if (input_iter==inputs.end()) return 0;

else return 1;


//Find the maximum number of neurons between an ouput and an input

int Network::max_depth() {

  std::vector<NNode*>::iterator curoutput; //The current output we are looking at

  int cur_depth; //The depth of the current node

  int max=0; //The max depth


  for(curoutput=outputs.begin();curoutput!=outputs.end();curoutput++) {


    if (cur_depth>max) max=cur_depth;


  return max;
