
Gammu phone database

Nokia C1-01

barnix@barnix-945GCM-S2C:~$ gammu --help backup

[Gammu version 1.31.0 built 03:40:44 on Jan  3 2012 using GCC 4.6]

Gammu commands, topic: Backing up and restoring

savefile CALENDAR target.vcs file location

savefile TODO target.vcs file location

savefile VCARD10|VCARD21 target.vcf file SM|ME location

savefile BOOKMARK target.url file location

convertbackup source.file output.file

backup file [-yes]

backupsms file [-yes|-all]

restore file [-yes]

addnew file [-yes] [-memory ME|SM|..]

restoresms file [-yes]

addsms folder file [-yes]

How to restore contacts to a Nokia C1-01

From Nokia 2760 to Nokia C1-01:

1. Got the port with

$ hcitool scan

barnix@barnix-945GCM-S2C:~$ hcitool scan

Scanning ...

    78:CA:04:83:6E:8B    C1-01

    00:22:FC:11:22:FF    Nokia 2760

2. Then the channel number using

$ sdptool search DUN

barnix@barnix-945GCM-S2C:~$ sdptool search DUN

Inquiring ...

Searching for DUN on 78:CA:04:83:6E:8B ...

Service Name: Dial-up networking

Service RecHandle: 0x10003

Service Class ID List:

  "Dialup Networking" (0x1103)

  "Generic Networking" (0x1201)

Protocol Descriptor List:

  "L2CAP" (0x0100)

  "RFCOMM" (0x0003)

    Channel: 1

Language Base Attr List:

  code_ISO639: 0x656e

  encoding:    0x6a

  base_offset: 0x100

Profile Descriptor List:

  "Dialup Networking" (0x1103)

    Version: 0x0100

Searching for DUN on 00:22:FC:11:22:FF ...

Service Name: Dial-up networking

Service RecHandle: 0x10003

Service Class ID List:

  "Dialup Networking" (0x1103)

  "Generic Networking" (0x1201)

Protocol Descriptor List:

  "L2CAP" (0x0100)

  "RFCOMM" (0x0003)

    Channel: 1

Language Base Attr List:

  code_ISO639: 0x656e

  encoding:    0x6a

  base_offset: 0x100

Profile Descriptor List:

  "Dialup Networking" (0x1103)

    Version: 0x0100

3. Then edit .gammurc to look like this



port = 00:22:FC:11:22:FF

model = NAUTO

connection = bluephonet

channel = 1

synchronizetime = yes

logfile =

logformat = nothing

use_locking =

gammuloc =

and save contacts from Nokia 2760:

$ gammu --backup my_contacts.lmb

4. Edit .gammurc to look like this



port = 78:CA:04:83:6E:8B

model = NAUTO

connection = bluephonet

channel = 1

synchronizetime = yes

logfile =

logformat = nothing

use_locking =

gammuloc =

and  restore your contacts to Nokia C1-01:

$ gammu --restore my_contacts.lmb

This will erase any existing contacts so if you have already made some use --addnew instead.

$ gammu --addnew my_contacts.lmb -memory ME