
class Store(Buffer):

    """Models buffers for processes coupled by putting/getting distinguishable 


    Blocks a process when a put would cause buffer overflow or a get would cause 

    buffer underflow.

    Default queuing discipline for blocked processes is priority FIFO.


    def getnrBuffered(self):

        return len(self.theBuffer)



    def getbuffered(self):

        return self.theBuffer



    def __init__(self,**pars):



        if is None:

  "a_store" ## default name

        if type(self.capacity)!=type(1) or self.capacity<=0:

            raise FatalSimerror\

                ("Store: capacity parameter not a positive integer > 0: %s"\


        if type(self.initialBuffered)==type([]):

            if len(self.initialBuffered)>self.capacity:

                raise FatalSimerror("initialBuffered exceeds capacity")


                self.theBuffer[:]=self.initialBuffered##buffer==list of objects

        elif self.initialBuffered is None: 



            raise FatalSimerror\

                ("Store: initialBuffered not a list")

        if self.monitored:






    def addSort(self,sortFunc):

        """Adds buffer sorting to this instance of Store. It maintains

        theBuffer sorted by the sortAttr attribute of the objects in the


        The user-provided 'sortFunc' must look like this:


        def mySort(self,par):

            tmplist=[(x.sortAttr,x) for x in par]


            return [x for (key,x) in tmplist]







    def _put(self,arg):

        """Handles put requests for Store instances"""


        if len(arg[0]) == 5:        # yield put,self,buff,whattoput,priority



        elif len(arg[0]) == 4:      # yield put,self,buff,whattoput

            obj._putpriority[self]=Buffer.priorityDefault #default


        else:                       # error, whattoput missing 

            raise FatalSimerror("Item to put missing in yield put stmt")

        if type(whatToPut)!=type([]):

            raise FatalSimerror("put parameter is not a list")


        if whatToPutNr+self.nrBuffered>self.capacity:

            obj._nextTime=None      #passivate put requestor


            self.putQ.enterPut(obj) #and queue, with items to put



            if not(self._sort is None):


            if self.monitored:



                at=_t,prior=1) # continue the put requestor


            # service any waiting getters

            # service in queue order: do not serve second in queue before first

            # has been served



            for getter in buffQ:

                if self.nrBuffered>0 and len(self.getQ):


                    if inspect.isfunction(proc._nrToGet):

                        movCand=proc._nrToGet(self.theBuffer) #predicate parameter

                        if movCand:


                            for i in movCand:



                            if self.monitored:



                                 at=_t) # continue a blocked get requestor

                    else: #numerical parameter

                        if not block and proc._nrToGet<=self.nrBuffered:





                            if self.monitored:


                            # take this get requestor's record out of queue:



                                    at=_t) # continue a blocked get requestor


                            # block subsequent numerically specified get's in getQ

                            # to prevent starvation of larger gets by smaller ones



                    break # either out of items in buffer or out of getters in getQ


    def _get(self,arg):

        """Handles get requests"""


        obj=arg[1].who[]                  # the list of items retrieved by 'get'

        if len(arg[0]) == 5:        # yield get,self,buff,whattoget,priority


            if inspect.isfunction(arg[0][3]):




        elif len(arg[0]) == 4:      # yield get,self,buff,whattoget

            obj._getpriority[self]=Buffer.priorityDefault #default

            if inspect.isfunction(arg[0][3]):




        else:                       # yield get,self,buff 



        if not filtfunc: #number specifies nr items to get

            if nrToGet<0:

                raise FatalSimerror\

                    ("Store: get parameter not positive number: %s"%nrToGet)            

            if self.nrBuffered < nrToGet:



                # passivate/block queuing 'get' process



                for i in range(nrToGet):

           # move items from 

                                                # buffer to requesting process

                if self.monitored:




                # reactivate any put requestors for which space is now available

                # serve in queue order: do not serve second in queue before first

                # has been served

                while len(self.putQ): 


                    if len(proc._whatToPut)+self.nrBuffered<=self.capacity:

                        for i in proc._whatToPut:

                            self.theBuffer.append(i) #move items to buffer

                        if not(self._sort is None):


                        if self.monitored:


                        self.putQ.takeout(proc) # dequeue requestor's record 


                                at=_t) # continue a blocked put requestor 



        else: # items to get determined by filtfunc


            if movCand: # get succeded




                for item in movCand:


                if self.monitored:


                # reactivate any put requestors for which space is now available

                # serve in queue order: do not serve second in queue before first

                # has been served

                while len(self.putQ): 


                    if len(proc._whatToPut)+self.nrBuffered<=self.capacity:

                        for i in proc._whatToPut:

                            self.theBuffer.append(i) #move items to buffer

                        if not(self._sort is None):


                        if self.monitored:


                        self.putQ.takeout(proc) # dequeue requestor's record 


                                at=_t) # continue a blocked put requestor 



            else: # get did not succeed, block



                # passivate/block queuing 'get' process


class makeStoreTestcase(unittest.TestCase):

    def testStatic(self):

        """Store: tests initialization of Store instances



        assert a.capacity==sys.maxint,"wrong capacity:%s"%a

        assert a.nrBuffered==0,"wrong buffer content: %s"%a

        assert"a_store","wrong name: %s"%a

        assert not a.monitored,"should not be monitored: %s"%a

        assert a.putQMon is None,"should not have putQMon: %s"%a

        assert a.getQMon is None,"should not have getQMon: %s"%a

        assert a.bufferMon is None,"should not have bufferMon: %s"%a

        assert a.putQType.__name__=="FIFO" and a.getQType.__name__=="FIFO",\

               "putQType and getQType should be FIFO: %s"%a





        assert b.capacity==12,"wrong capacity:%s"%b

        assert b.nrBuffered==10,"wrong buffer content: %s"%b

        assert"b","wrong name: %s"%b

        assert b.monitored,"should be monitored: %s"%b

        assert not (b.putQMon is None),"should have putQMon: %s"%b

        assert not (b.getQMon is None),"should have getQMon: %s"%b

        assert not (b.bufferMon is None),"should have bufferMon: %s"%b

        assert b.putQType.__name__=="PriorityQ",\

               "putQType should be PriorityQ: %s"%b

        assert b.getQType.__name__=="FIFO",\

                "getQType should be PriorityQ: %s"%b


    def testConProdPrinciple(self):

        """Store: tests basic Producer/Consumer principles:

        -   Consumers must not be waiting while items in Store buffer,

        -   Producers must not be waiting while space available in Store buffer















    def testConProd1(self):

        """Store: tests put/get in 1 Producer/ 1 Consumer scenario"""








        assert \


           "items produced/consumed/buffered do not tally: %s %s %s"\



    def testConProdM(self):

        """Store: tests put/get in multiple Producer/Consumer scenario"""





        for i in range(2):



        for i in range(3):




        assert ProducerWidget.produced-ConsumerWidget.consumed==buffer.nrBuffered,\

            "items produced/consumed/buffered do not tally: %s %s %s"\



    def testConProdPriorM(self):

        """Store: Tests put/get in multiple Producer/Consumer scenario, 

        with Producers having different priorities.

        How; Producers forced to queue; all after first should be done in

        priority order


        global doneList




        for i in range(4):







        assert doneList==[0,3,2,1],"puts were not done in priority order: %s"\



    def testConPriorProdM(self):

        """Tests put/get in multiple Producer/Consumer scenario, with

        Consumers having different priorities.

        How; Consumers forced to queue; all after first should be done in

        priority order


        global doneList




        for i in range(4):







        assert doneList==["3","2","1","0"],\

              "gets were not done in priority order: %s"%doneList


    def testBufferSort(self):

        """Tests the optional sorting of theBuffer by applying a user-defined

        sort function."""







        for i in range(9):




        assert gotten==[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],"sort wrong: %s"%gotten


    def testBufferFilter(self):

        """Tests get from a Store with a filter function











def makeStoreSuite():

    suite = unittest.TestSuite()

    testStatic = makeStoreTestcase("testStatic")












    return suite