Historical furniture style of grandsons of German-speaking countries

Historical furniture style of grandsons of German-speaking countries

"Gründerzeit" in Hungarian The time of the founders in the second half of the 1800s is thus called historians. The Monarchy's economy started to undergo significant economic development after the Compromise, a major business creation and an intensifying trade characterized the era by bourgeoisie. The production of joinery products from industrial craftsmanship has been moved from the craftsman's workshop to machines equipped with tools and tools. Professionals who are well-crafted by the craft have made precise, extremely elaborate furniture with the traditional carpenter joints through mechanization.

The XIX. In the second half of the 20th century, new stylistic elements in furniture at the Monarchy in Germany did not appear until the Art Nouveau period. Their decorative elements, their basic forms are found in earlier periods (Renaissance, Baroque, Gothic, Romanesque style). The group of these furniture is linked by the storyteller, in addition to the furniture known in Hungary as the Old Quarter, the Gründerzeit also names the era of simpler, more classical lines, as well as Neo-Baroque and Rococo furniture.

In addition to the neo ....... styles that faithfully mirror the elements of the styles, the epochs of agility were shaped by the style and decorative elements of different styles. In Italian, French furniture, there are several Baroque, Rococo elements with slim basic shapes. The German, Austrian furniture of the era is characterized by more robust Renaissance, Gothic style elements (altdeutsch furniture). Many grandsons are exemplified by eclecticism, classical motifs often mix with Baroque or Renaissance ornaments

Their material is typically solid oak or oak veneer, rare in garden nuts, cherry wood with simpler decorations, and waxed folk are typically made of fir tree.

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*Altdeutsch az elnevezése Németországban az 1850- 1910 között készült bútoroknak, köznapi nyelvben viszont sokkal használatosabb ugyanezen időszak első felére, a századfordulóig gründerzeit, az 1880- 1920 időszakra az akkor újszerű jugendstil elnevezés.

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