eclectic furniture

The style of furniture that combines several styles of the era of historicism is eclectic

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In its narrower interpretation, eclecticism is the XIX. In the second half of the 18th century, the aspiration of the historical elements and the neo-styles of the earlier periods of the era, In a broader sense it has already been applied in ancient Greece, and the Anglo-Saxon approach itself is the current trend in which modern and diverse antique styling is sought to make furniture and apartments unique. Certainly, eclecticism has appeared in all ages, the basis of which is the necessity of experiments, the creation of possibilities, the tangible result of the sorting, for example, the Old German, but the style of copf is also due to the fact that Baroque style elements were used with ancient Roman patterns.

By itself, in its raw material, in color or apparently in its production technology, furniture other than the original is eclectic.

The heir to the eclectic - a trendy style in the furnishings of the age-old furniture style - the vintage was complemented by the environmentally conscious thinking of recycling, with the delight of self-made creative work (diy).

Most of its antique furniture comes from eclectic times, many are still in good condition or can be easily restored, but many of them are transformed, and their shaby chic painting is also fashionable. Among the pieces sold, there are also younger, stylish furniture.

Today, the bohemian trend in interior design, eclecticism.

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