Baroque furniture

The pleasure of the full, heavy, rich pump "

In France XIV. Lajos-style. The exact time limits of the baroque age can hardly be determined. This trend has also begun in Italy. The architektonic (architectural) rigor of the renaissance was solved with rich, pompous and once irrational forms. From the calmness and balance of the Renaissance it was a somewhat superficial, representative attraction.

New social contact forms create new types of furniture: chairs in the reception rooms, console tables, chests of drawers. The chest is an important piece of furniture of the middle age - it is now losing its significance, its place occupied by the wardrobe and the chest of drawers. A cabinet cabinet in France will be a desk bureau.

XIV. In 1667 Lajos founded the "Manufacture Royale des Meubles de la Couronne" and created the unification of artistic movements and aspirations. In order to create a uniform style, the craftsmanship activities are placed under the direction of a single master. Workbenches are referred to as "Ebenes" as they mainly work with ebony.

André Bouile, the master of "Manufacture Royale", is involved in art history and becomes the most important master of this field. Particularly known are his inlay works (made of brass, tin, ivory and turtle made of wood), and the furnishings made of gold-plated bronze.

The chair or armchair (fauteuli) is displayed in a variety of shapes. The legs are joined by crossbows, arms folded. The fabrics are made of silk, velvet, goblein or canvas embroidery, sometimes leather. The seat cushions are almost always cushioned, with edges lined with brass curtains.

The cabinets are heavy (solid or chrome-plated) with their legs in drawers, with large-surface inserts that are crossed by profusely profiled slats.

Large pull-out tables with balustral legs and rich carving.

Double chests with "high" bottom.

Scattered - as a result of the Far East trade - oriental furnishings are also fashionable.

The simple and relaxed lines of the Baroque Baroque in Holland - despite all the attraction to ungodliness - are found to be very welcoming.

Stylish decorative elements and other features of style:

They are part of the Renaissance, but they become reckless, tangled motifs, cartilage or ornaments (that is, the "rocaille", which is also traversed to the Rococo).

- acantick letters,

- they wanted,

- figurative carvings,

- balusters,

- pilasters.

Again, the style of each country is clearly distinguished. Thus, in Germany alone, we can know a number of cabinet types from time to time: "Frankfurt", "Hamburg", "Lübeck", "Danzig".

Famous carpenters and carpenters. designers:

France: André Charles Boulie, Charles Cressn

Germany: Abraham Roentgen

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Díszes fafaragás, tükörkeret

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spanyol barokk
aranyozott tükörkeret

Spanyol barokk konzolasztal

Aranyozott tükörkeret

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Velencei festett konzolasztal

Kandalló, faragott márvány

Antik, vintage bútorok >>>

*A barokk szó eredhet az olasz barocco kifejezésből, ami nyakatekert okoskodást jelent, a klasszicizmus korában eredetileg gúnynévként született kifejezés, eredhet a portugál barrocóból, ami szabálytalan formájú gyöngyöt, kagylót is jelenthet, eredhet a franciák baroque szavából, ami extravagánst, bizarrt jelent. Mai jelentése jelentése az abszolutizmus korstílusa. Angol nyelven már a tökéletes kidogozottság jelzője is.

Barokk bútorok

Bécsi barokk bútorok

Angol barokk bútor

Francia barokk bútorok

Stílbútorok (francia barokk)

Holland barokk bútorok

Itáliai barokk bútorok

Velencei barokk bútorok

Magyar barokk bútorok

Neobarokk bútorok

Itáliai neobarokk stílusú bútorok

Skandináv barokk bútorok

Barokk bútorok, sales


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XIV. Lajos stílusú bútorok

XV. Lajos stílusú bútorok

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